j Paul
PFG, Picture Framing God
This was posted on the commercial item for sale forum and thought it was probably missed by most here. I am not promoting the sale here but wanted all members to know of Susan and Linda's decision. jPaul
"After much consideration of pros and cons, we have come to the decision to close our business. It is not what we want to do, but the prospects for an independent business (not part of a chain) are overwhelmingly not in our favor. We are accepting framing orders until Dec. 24th and will remain open until the end of January 2006.
Neither of us have space to set up a home frame shop, so, we will have to sell all of our fixtures and framing equipment. Enclosed with this letter you will find two lists of supplies for sale. One is a list of Frame Shop equipment. The other is a list of general store fixtures, some of which can be used in home workshop or craft shop areas. All of the items will be available for pick up in January.
In addition to selling fixtures and equipment, we are selling many of our framed samples and donating the proceeds to the American Red Cross and Habitats for Humanity for the hurricane victims.
We invite you to come to our shop anytime during our business hours to look at the items for sale.
Best wishes to all of you in the framing community. It has been a pleasure being part of this wonderful family.
Linda Foote and Susan May
Available January 2006 "
"After much consideration of pros and cons, we have come to the decision to close our business. It is not what we want to do, but the prospects for an independent business (not part of a chain) are overwhelmingly not in our favor. We are accepting framing orders until Dec. 24th and will remain open until the end of January 2006.
Neither of us have space to set up a home frame shop, so, we will have to sell all of our fixtures and framing equipment. Enclosed with this letter you will find two lists of supplies for sale. One is a list of Frame Shop equipment. The other is a list of general store fixtures, some of which can be used in home workshop or craft shop areas. All of the items will be available for pick up in January.
In addition to selling fixtures and equipment, we are selling many of our framed samples and donating the proceeds to the American Red Cross and Habitats for Humanity for the hurricane victims.
We invite you to come to our shop anytime during our business hours to look at the items for sale.
Best wishes to all of you in the framing community. It has been a pleasure being part of this wonderful family.
Linda Foote and Susan May
Available January 2006 "