%'s of matboard used

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
I was just thinken' today......Oh! Oh!.......:

How would you break down the % of matboard you utilize?

For instance, we use about:
30% Rag
65% A/F, lignin free/conservation quality
4% Alpha Cellulose
1% Paper

I hope I have these catagorized correctly. Anyone can feel free to adjust &/or correct.

All rag is alpha cellulose. Not all alpha cellulose is rag. Both alpha cellulose and rag are acid-free, lignin free and conservation quality.

I can only think of 3 common categories:

1) Rag alpha cellulose (cotton linter)
2) Purified wood pulp alpha cellulose
3) Decorative "paper" mats

My own breakdown would probably be something like 35%, 65%, 0%, respectively.
Bainbridge black silk - 45%

Crescent black linen - 30%

Artique 4969 (which is, you guessed it, black)- 15%

Everything else - 10%

Paper mats - 0%

Okay, I may be exagerating a tiny bit about everything except the paper mats. I don't carry them.

Bainbridge AlphaMat: 99.9%
all others: .1%

Crescent Rag, Crescent Select, Artique about 50%

Crescent Decorative, TruVue IWC about 50%

I had a customer walk in the door yesterday and ask point blank "Do you sell paper mats?". My reply was "Yes Ma'am, I will use any type of material that you like". Then she said "Good, I have five posters I would like to frame for Christmas gifts".

Bainbrige suede 10%
Crescent Select 90%

I am thiiiiiis close to stocking the entire Select line.

I would gladly carry paper I just don't like have 1,365,664,002 matboard samples at my design counter. 150 is more than enough.
I'm a little surprised at the omission of TV as a standard: I like them because they're all over-sized and available in blackcore as well. Do you find their quality objectionable?

We seem to do more over-sized things than not.
When I consider carrying one whole line, TV was right up there with Crescent and Artique. Artique is actually the only one I have quit considering. I like the TV's. I'll bet I have sold 15 of their Library Leather mats sense April. Maybe I should consider them closer because I like their boards.
Thanks Ron for your help!

It is interesting seeing the 'results'....and reading the comments.

I agree with the flexibility offered with TV - it's nice to have a source (Crescent now) that offers all colors & designs in all sizes and combinations.
30% Rag
65% A/F, lignin free/conservation quality
4% Alpha Cellulose
1% Paper

The important distinctions to be made about matboards are whether the board meets FACTS PMMB-2000 or not because if they do, they can be used for preservation framing whether cotton or purified wood pulp. Makes life easy, clears up confusion.

Some preservation matboards (Bainbirdge) have Artcare, which believe it or not is important for a quality product and should be part pf a dialogue about mat board. When you choose Bainbridge you can have cotton or purified wood pulp and Artcare as well as some great looking boards.

That sounds or rather reads like a commercial and I hesitate to post it, but it is true and needs to be part of the consideration and no one mentioned it. If you don't know what Artcare is or what it does there have been many, many, many posts on zeolites that should be read. I have no idea how you find them, or pull them up, but trust me, they are there.

Turkey day is coming, hope everyone has a wonderful day. Thre is so much to be thankful for.
This time last year:
90% paper (60% Crescent / 40% Speciality)*
10% rag (9% Crescent / 1% Bainbridge)*

This year:
70% rag (40% Crescent / 30% TV)*
30% paper (25% Crescent golds or black core / 5% Crescent regular colors)*

*These numbers are approximate and only denote attitudinal change and not real numbers.

Does TV make a rag board? The only TV's that we have are acid and lignin free alpha cellulose core -

We're probably 80% TV/Artique,20% rag. Never carried paper mats.
Rag or cotton pulp boards are alphacellulose even though some of the companies use that term to separate them from the purified wood pulp boards. See what I mean about confusing?