RSS Feed vs Email costs

B. Newman

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 5, 2001
Kodak, Tn. USA
I don't understand all I know about this. But according to several e-mail marketing newsletters I've gotten this past week, it looks as if AOL and Yahoo are set to start charging for e-mail - perhaps sending and receiving, I'm not sure how it is supposed to work. (And no, this is not another of those Urban Legends - this is for real.)

I thought perhaps Mike (or others in the "know") could comment on this. RSS Feed is looking better and better all along. Don't know what it is? Here is a short description

From MarketingSherpa

Info for RSS newbies -- don't know what RSS is?

Quick info:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a way to get headlines (and sometimes even stories) from Web sites sent directly to your "reader" whenever there's something new. It's a bit like email, you have to click on the RSS button on a site (it's the orange button on our newsletters) and then your reader will be added to the folks who get the "feed."

Many blogs, top eretailers such as Amazon, and almost every major online publication today offers an RSS feed.

Your RSS reader collects feeds it's sent and alerts you when new or updated content has arrived. You can click the headline to see a short description or open the included link to view the full Web page.


Shoot - something else I've got to learn!
From what I've heard, AOL and Yahoo, in an effort to fight spam, are going to charge for a new email service - Goodmail Certified email - where the senders basically pay to send mail to an AOL account. Which will probably force a mass migration from AOL services, as nobody will want to pay to send email. I sure wouldn't.

RSS is completely different.. it's just another website service where instead of browsing to the page, you're fed headlines and teasers to a RSS reader so you can have a fresh updated list of headlines and topics visible all the time. I asked Bill a while back if he could turn on RSS for the Grumble but he declined (though I found a "backdoor" for the latest posts, if you've even been to the grumble chat page you've seen it).
SAN FRANCISCO - Two of the world’s biggest e-mail account providers, Yahoo Inc. and America Online, plan to introduce a service that would charge senders a fee to route their e-mail directly to a user’s mailbox without first passing through junk mail filters, representatives of both companies said Sunday.

Article on MSN

"The fees, which would range from 1/4 cent to 1 cent per e-mail, are the latest attempts by the companies to weed out unsolicited ads, commonly called spam, and identity-theft scams. In exchange for paying, e-mail senders will be guaranteed their messages won’t be filtered and will bear a seal alerting recipients they’re legitimate."
So AOL and Yahoo are going to send Spam to your mailbox as long as the sender pays them to bypass their filters. I think I know what I would tell them to do with their e-mail services, and it isn't pretty.
