Round oil painting

Farm Girl

Mar 19, 2002
Centreville, Va. 20120
I have a customer who commisioned a reproduction oil painting from a company called Classic Reproductions. It's a reproduction of a Raphael fresco. Well done. It's round! 39.5 X 39.5 round oil painting. Customer did not expect it to be round and doesn't want it framed round. Anyway, not sure what my options are for framing this. I looked at the Munn site and they display on their home page a type of frame that would probably look very nice. It has a wooden mat/liner??? within the rectangular frame. What is this called? Customer wants it framed nicely but probably not 3 or 4000$ nicely, which I am guessing would be the Munn price for something like this. Would it be possible to fabric wrap a round cut 8 ply mat to line a frame? Would this look stupid? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Let me see, they have a round painting, on canvas, and they want it framed square, and they don't want to pay $3-4,000?

A round painting will look better if it is framed ROUND! Just check out the wonderful round paintings in the National Gallery! To put it in a square frame will change the look. But that being said, it can be done.

You will need to either make a liner to fit the canvas, or find a way to mat the dang thing. Either way, you are talking about a LOT of custom work. Don't think it will be cheap.

Good luck, but my advice is to be honest with them about their choices. Don't cut your costs, just because they forgot to check the shape of the finished art. That was not your fault.
FarmGirl: The part you are talking about that takes a round or oval image out to the edges of a rectilinear frame is called a SPANDREL. I wouldn't be surprised to see Baer jump in here and tell you how to make one in five easy (for him</>) steps, but I like your idea of fabric-covering a round-opening mat. Come to think of it, Baer would approve of that technique too.
:cool: Rick

If it were mine, I'd probably try to find a round frame for it. You might try Inline Ovals if the cust. decides to take that direction.
Farm Girl Do you know of any one in your area into wood turning they could make you a wooden mat not trouble, then you could hand finish it to the desired colour. Would look more authentic too.

OzDave You would turn it out of a piece of ply no way could it be done with normal lumber. Someone who knows what the they are doing could turn it in no time at all. If it were my job I would tackle it with a router on a pivot, as I don't have a lath. That may even be the better way??
Originally posted by Rick Granick:
FarmGirl: The part you are talking about that takes a round or oval image out to the edges of a rectilinear frame is called a SPANDREL. I wouldn't be surprised to see Baer jump in here and tell you how to make one in five easy (for him</>) steps, but I like your idea of fabric-covering a round-opening mat. Come to think of it, Baer would approve of that technique too.
:cool: Rick
Some people are smartasses even when they are being complementary...

I'll second Ricks choice of fabric wrap...

But if you want it for a lot less than $4,000... but still want the gold leafed spandral look for the Tondro painting....

Try Sterling Moulding