Ron's Website

Jerry Ervin

PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 13, 2001
North Carolina ... The Picture Frame Capital of th
Here is a place for everyone to congratulate Ron on his new website and endeavor.

Congratulations Ron

That's sweet, Jerry, but both are a tad premature.

The website is still a mess and the new endeavor could have me looking for a greeter job at Wal-Mart.

I appreciate the kind thoughts, though, and I'm open to gentle suggestions for the website ("Hey Ron, how 'bout some actual pictures of framing??")

The new endeavor is not open to criticism. It's not a business decision.
Well it is not (possibly the best site I have ever visited). However I love the personal feel. I sure hope I don't get inspired to start tweeking my site again! I got framing to do.

Have fun with it Ron!

Let me offer you the very best with the decision you have taken regarding your family…….I’m fully with you on this one…..

I still get strange looks from people when I tell them that about ten years ago I packed up a high flying (by Irish standards) job (in the top 5% earning bracket in the country) to effectively run a not so very successful part time some times full time business to be the house parent…….

I have loved every minute of it despite the frustrations at times….I have being there for my two wonderful kids and Jean had the peace of mind to allow her creear to flourish and boy has it flourished ….Lucy is at top notch in her school she has Jeans brains…..and Ivan is thriving and has caught right up in every area, he is a very happy normally adjusted kid that will be able to face any career in the further and given the very very very difficult start Ivan had in life this is very spectacular …..the contribution I have made by down sizing my career is very well rewarded to say the very least..

The rewards are too many to mention.

The good think is that now that the kids are a bit more robust I can pick things up a bit, I have a new hobby the first real one I have ever had in my life I have taken up horse riding (yes at 52 years of age) asides from the bit of riding I do on my own in the riding school, Jean the kids and myself go riding every Saturday morning….

And the distribution business that I have had for many years that I have done or could do very little with is awaking and I have a new and exciting career plan for 2005…distribution has always been my first love……things are looking up…..

I have never fully made the success I would like of picture framing though the awaking business will allow me to remain involved in the framing business in a small way….and in addition it looks like I will have the distribution business I have always hankered after….in saying this please be assured that the framing business has been very good to me and I have made some money out of it the problem always has been that I have never had the creative and design skills that a top notch framer needs I’m a good technical framer but not a very creative one…..and I have never derived the personal satisfaction from framing that I feel a career should provide…..

Ron you are a man after my own heart and can I wish you all the best and commend you on your decision….

BTW your Web site is looking very interesting

Your good friend

I've always said that the best websites reflect the personality of the business and/or owner.

Yep - that's Ron alright!

It's looking good. Now for the changes, 1. on the FAQ page list each one, so the question I'm most interested in can be jumped to. I think the question just below the logs should be at the top of the list. "What's the best way to....." Just goes to show pictures speak louder than words. I remembered the picture but had to go back and check the question.

2. Waiting.
JPete, I agree with point 1. Moving the most important question is easy. I'll have to figure out the code to do the "jump to" thing, but it can't be that hard.

One of the cool things about FrontPage or, presumably, other web editors, is that you can go to a page that has a feature you like, open it up in FrontPage, and see what the code looks like.

Your point 2. I don't understand.

BTW, I've been collecting websites from Grumblers and putting them in a special folder in my favorites list to spend more time with. There are some very good sites and they are as varied and interesting as the Grumblers that own them.

You need a cutsie “Under Construction” animated image. Trust me!

You can find a whole bunch of them here .


If it was me, I'd change the spelling so it reads 'framer' instead of'farmer'.

When do you make house calls?
2. Waiting for you to do more and see if you need a number 2. In the early grumbe days, I used to check them out as a hobby. Funny how three grandkids changed my hobbies.

When you want someone to test something out let me know.

For those codes, go to view and source, some places won't let you copy or even view.
I'm hoping your sense of humor is still intact.

In conjunction with your offer to go to customers homes to hang their pictures, you could add, in parentheses, (Homeowners policy must be in force.) Then add this picture of hanging a picture:

Jo, from the site Jan posted. You have to click on 'NEXT' and you'll see even more. They're great! They allude that if you were a civilian during WWII, and got hurt, and were out of work, you were helping Hitler.

Originally posted by Jana:
From one of my favorite websites:

Check out the rest on

On your home page and you need to shout “Picture Framing” more….shout what “The Total Picture” does ….it’s very light at the moment, what your message is……you do “Picture Framing”….shout it….I have never understood why US framers only use “Framing”….you are a “Picture Framer”

You should use the PPFA logo to the front page also where you say Professional Picture Framing Association”….you can find lots of PPFA logos for download at the PPFA site….by not using the PPFA logo you are diluting the befit of being a member…

It’s also very confusing the number of phone numbers you have listed….can you not have one number and divert it to your mobile/cell number….

You are making nice progress, I like what you are doing…


Good points, Dermot.

The two phone numbers are so that I can have local numbers in each of the two markets I expect to serve. The original number is long-distance for the people in the area where the shop will be physically located.

Links and logos for FACTS and the PPFA will follow.
Wow a complete re-do already

Looks fantastic and has your personality. Loved the parrot frame.


Just a thought about your logo… logo should really be “The Total Picture” only, with “We Make House Calls” as a separate tag line……the current logo you have on your web sit is OK for your present circumstance……but would not work if and when you have a store front again…….use “We Make House Call” as a feature of your business but not a feature of your logo…remember with logos it’s the KISS principal…
Hey Ron - didn't you say you shaved off your mustache??? Won't that photo confuse folks? How about before and after moustache pictures? This way your old customers will recognize you and your new ones won't call the police when you drive up!

I also love the parrot frame! And the home page is lookin' good! You must be having fun with it!!!
I agree with Dermot on the logo. Wow, you have been busy.

Jerry's map may not be such a bad idea just to show the area. You can get them from mapquest and use or you could at one time.

This is fun and inspiring.
"We Make House Calls" is a separate tag line that I can modify as the situation arises without substantially changing the look.


I am working on a map. I just have to figure out a way to make it funny.

I AM having fun and I HAVE been busy. Yesterday, Sarah and I hauled 36 boxes over to the new place. Mostly they were corner samples and I haven't taken any off the walls yet. :eek:
That's very kind, Anne, and I have no doubt you mean it, but why in the world would you want to do that?

The woman from the office next door stopped by this morning (while I was waiting for my final L-J delivery) and asked if I was nearly done moving. :eek:
Because I know what a pain it is to move your business. We did it once 12 years ago and don't want to have to ever do it again. We're still finding boxes of stuff from that move. I sometimes think it would be easier to just chuck everything in a big dumpster and start over. :eek:

Besides, it gives us an excuse to take a trip over that way and maybe visit some people we know in the Two Rivers area or go back by way of Algoma and stop at VonStiehl Winery. Lots of reasons to go over there, we might as well make ourselves useful in the process and help you out.
Judy knows.

Marvin Brecht and I carried mine in (about 20 feet and no stairs) after uncasing it and taking it off of the stand so it would fit through the door.

At one point I dropped my end and said a bad word. I felt badly at the time, since Marvin was left with the other end.

Given what I know now, I don't feel so bad.

Oh, and my press weighs 205# without the pump or stand. I would have guessed more like 500#.

Wow - what an adventure!! Your new endeavor and your new website... I wish you the best of it all!!

I like the evolution of the website - and your personal charactature/portrait!!

One suggestion - if you stay with the artist's palette and peacock feather - you may want to adjust the logo colors to be more complementary.. Or even use a rainbow effect within the type instead of yellow... otherwise - you are looking good.
