rifle case


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
Since we have shared some of our work in the design contest I thought I'd continue.

This is a shadowbox I completed for a customer recently. She gave it to her husband for Father's Day.

It is a rifle case and a photo taken in New Mexico of a hunting trip he took with 2 friends. One of the friends is no longer alive and he remembers it as one of the best times in his life.
There is also a poem about friendship included in the frame.

I soaked the map in tea to yellow it and burnt the edges...did the same thing to the poem.

The frame wasn't a shadowbox depth so I extended it.

My customer was very happy with the results.

Yes, Ron I am still playing with matches but the fire department didn't have to put out any fires this time!
Neat, Deb. Looks great.
Very visually appealing Deb, great work, it makes me want to get closer!

What is that reflection in the top LH corner???
Well, I didn't have much time to snap a photo since the customer was waiting while I put the back on it.
The reflection is a table top screen...it's canvas stretched over hinged frames that has been treated as a collage. It was inspired by the artist's love of Matisse.
Very nice. I wish I could get a closer look. The little frame on the photo looks interesting, those ornaments look like old hinges or something. It's hard to make out depth of course but it looks like things may be at different levels? The frame looks very weathered and appropriate and I don't think I recognize it, what is it? Great work and the burning is a nice touch. Were you nervous about over doing it? But then Rons' comments make me think maybe you have some experience in this area.
Great stuff Deb. Personally, I was getting off on the pattern in the fabric back... never thought it was a reflection...

do you just put a little Unseal around the edge of the map and light it up?

I'm with you Terry, the little frame.. box staples over wrot iron staps?
The photograph frame is a ready made the customer found somewhere. It has iron ornaments in the corners.

The shadowbox frame was from AMPF. WHen I get to work I'll look up the number.

Yellowing and burnng the map was an experiment.
I used a bic lighter while the map was still damp and put out the burning edges by applying water with a paintbrush.
The real trick was to get the blackened edges just right. They have a tendency to fall off completely just leaving an uneven edge.
Since it was an inexpensive map from a book store I figured I cold always get another.

I did have to do more than one copy of the poem because the burning went too far.

Ron's comment was in reference to an incident that took place last year. :eek:

Baer, I'm glad you enjoyed that reflection.
Yeah, I hear the Bonanza theme song too....... really nice job Deb. Just how I like to see guns too, behind glass and inaccessible.

How did you mount the gun?
No gun...just the rifle case.

I cut slits throught the mat and the foam core and pulled the leather straps through. Secured them with mylar strips.

I framed two guns a few years ago. I will try to get a photo of them and post it sometime.
Yikes! That was the kind of excitement you don't need. We have a few acres and burn a lot of brush ourselves. My wife always worries but I think nothing could happen. You can guess who's the brains of this operation. AMPF is a line we don't carry. Maybe I'll have to look into it.
Deb, if you water down lemon juice and brush it around where you want to burn... the heat will brown the juice without the burn. Or you can just hair dryer the stuff.

Also make a very strong pot of coffee in a coffee maker that doesn't turn off... start the coffe about 6 am, usable about 4pm... :D
Now why didn't you tell me about the lemon juice before I had to do this job?
That is a good tip for future burnings.
Yeh, you could sprinkle lemon juice all over your property before you set it on fire.

As a reformed pyromaniac (my parents still tell stories of my misguided youth) I can't help teasing you, Deb.

Did I mention the shadowbox looks fabulous?
I know your teasing isn't mean spirited and I seem to have that effect on lots of people.
Always glad to provide a little amusement.

I have a couple of brush piles waiting to be burned now but I think I'll skip the lemon juice.
I created a nicely charred effect without it.
Almost forgot...the frame was AMPF6726 from the Chesapeake collection
Easiest way to burn edges!!!!

Turn a stove cap on high and let it get hot.
The edges will look great and the flame quicky goes out. It works great!!