I just finished sending in my submission of recent purchases for the Nielsen Rewards Program. All you do is keep track of your Nielsen purchases and send in copies of the receipts along with a form to get rebates of 50 cents per chop (75 cents each after the first 250). What a gold mine, and it's so easy!
Let's see...
25.50..........= 51 chops @ .50
< 1.63>........Kinko's copies
< .74>..........Postage
23.13............hmm, so far so good...
<25.00>........Value of time spent marking invoices, finding and copying, filling out and mailing (approx. 30 min.)
Hey, wait a minute. My point is: Why require the invoice copies along with the entry cards? Why not just submit a list of the dates, invoice numbers, and total numbers of chops. They could reserve the right to see copies as a deterrent to "exaggeration of purchase activity". Currently, it's a "guilty until proven innocent" system that eats up valuable time that could otherwise be spent hanging out on the Grumble.
Let's see...
25.50..........= 51 chops @ .50
< 1.63>........Kinko's copies
< .74>..........Postage
23.13............hmm, so far so good...
<25.00>........Value of time spent marking invoices, finding and copying, filling out and mailing (approx. 30 min.)
Hey, wait a minute. My point is: Why require the invoice copies along with the entry cards? Why not just submit a list of the dates, invoice numbers, and total numbers of chops. They could reserve the right to see copies as a deterrent to "exaggeration of purchase activity". Currently, it's a "guilty until proven innocent" system that eats up valuable time that could otherwise be spent hanging out on the Grumble.