retailing moulding lengths


Grumbler in Training
Mar 16, 2005
I have an distant acquaintance who is interested in purchasing lengths of moulding for his artwork. I have never done this and am looking for tips on how to charge someone for this and for the future? Should it be a percentage more than the per foot for length cost?
We toyed with this idea some and realized that there were potential problems such as imperfect sticks & warped sticks (all the stuff that the suppliers deal with, but on a smaller scale). We didn't want to devote time to folks who whine for a discount on damages or want to unwrap every stick to find the best one. If pressured, we will order in metal sticks, but that is it.
Other than that, I'd do it with a 2x or 2.5x markup... but I don't do it, so who am I to give advice?
4x markup
We frequently honor those requests for people looking to miter and join, or just join their own frames.

Since they often request moulding that we do not inventory, we base our pricing on our retail chop prices.

Ordinarily, if they will both miter and join their own, we discount the order by 25%; if they want us to miter the rails first before they join them, – 15%.

We welcome these orders since there virtually no work for us, and, even after discounting, plenty of profit.
We have a couple of artists/photographers that we provide "chops" for & give them a 50% discount off of full retail. A couple have requested "wedging" but, I'm not going that route -
The few "chops" that we do provide are only from moulding that we keep in stock, if they want something else, they pay full price.