Restroom advertisng frames


Grumbler in Training
Jun 9, 2003
Nashville TN
Hello, My name is Burt. I am trying to start an advertising company that does the restroom ads in stalls and above urinals. I am having trouble finding a supplier of frames that are tough, load easy, security locked, etc. . Can anyone out there help me find a supplier?
Maaaan, I looked at your profile first, and I thought you were a joker.

Why not?

Less does his best work on the can.

Check out or
Hi Outhouse

Welcome to the Grumble.

You are looking for front loading frames or snap open frames……these are the type of frames used in this part of the world for toilet (rest room) advertisements and for cinema movie posters….they are made in Ireland by a company called Name Plate Services and there is another company in London England who also make them (sorry I cannot recall the London companies name)………….below are a few business in the US who make similar products.

BTW this type of advertising has become very popular in Ireland………………..I have being very surprised by the type of business (quality business) who are advertising in this manner………….I have travelled in Spain, France and the UK in the last year and this type of advertising is catching on in those countries also…………….I have asked my wife who has being in most European countries over the last year if she has noticed this type of advertising…………in the toilets………..she hasn’t…………………I guess advertising to Guys and Girls need a different approach………..something in how we do certain things!!!!!!

Good luck with your venture.



Hi Outhouse! Welcome

I have an entire exhibition hung in my restroom.
I call it the "private viewing gallery."
My customers get a kick out of it.

good luck
I had an opportunity to view some bathroom advertising recently in a mall restroom. My first stop after a long lunch and preparing to spend some time shopping. There is was right beside me and of course I check out the advertisers. Seems like we've had this discussion before.