Replicating a Brazilian frame


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Nov 19, 2003
Orange County, CA
One of my regulars is from Brazil, and has several oils framed in a certain style that she now wants to emulate.

We have picked a moulding that she likes, together with some fabric for a liner. So far so good. The oil is to be floated on a black background with about a 1/4" gap between it and the liner. Still no problem, I've done this many times.

So here's the problem. She wants a teeny tiny moulding around the painting before it is floated (see photos below). I have nothing this small. The double problem is that it needs to match the moulding we have picked (Larson's Prado 608745) so it either needs to be finished in an old distressed gold or in a muted black.

I have thought about using a floater in place of the tiny moulding and maybe Nurre's 72501 might work if I dulled the gold a little, but this approach won't give the same look that she has on her Brazilian pieces. I have looked at enhancers but none work.

Can anyone suggest the best way forward? I have four pieces waiting a solution! Thanks in anticipation.

Here are the photos of the existing piece that we are trying to simulate:


Here is a closeup of the mini moulding:

And for refernce here is a shot of the Larson moulding that we'll be using:
Why not use a fillet cut off the extended piece and attach that to the top of a wood piece. It is piece meal, but you can get something in that range. Then glue and vise the two together, paint the side black so they both blend in...or am I off here?

If Prado does not have a matching fillet (and I don't think it does - I'm at home and can't check)

Could you maybe use another mount fillet that matches as close as poss with. Reverse mitre it so it is made to go around rather than inside and maybe build a rebate.

Easier to find something already deep enough I know. But fillets are SMALL.
Call PB&H moulding. They will make a moulding to your specs and finish. They require a minimum which I think varies depending on what you are asking them to do. The last time I got a quote it was very reasonable and they weren't looking for too big an order.

PB&H 800 746-9724
there is a fillet that looks an awfully lot just like that. You might be able to cut it to fit the way you need it to.

Thanks for the lead. PB&H have been very helpful, and can manufacture a 1/4" strip moulding to match the frame. Waiting to hear back from the client if she wants to proceed!