Removing ATG from mat cutouts

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Here's one DP: Three ways to deal with ATG on a mat dropout (so it is still useful).
1. Rub and rub and rub 'til it's all off.
2. Run over it once or twice with the DRY CLEANING PAD (looks like a small bean bag, it's filled with eraser shavings) works great!
3. Grab some tissue-by-the-yard (TP) and press it onto the sticky. Quick and clean.

I'll be checking back for some ideas from others.

OJay, The ATG on on the fall outs is not an issue if you have an automated mat cutter. It has been 4 years since I have cut a mat on a standard mat cutter that I forgot about that problem.
KEEP IT UP, TFG! You'll push me over the top with very few more comments like that!

I want a Wizard but don't think I cut enuf mats to warrant getting one.

OJAY just out of curiosity how many mats a week do you cut. If my numbers are right (and if they are not I am sure someone will correct me) then the wizard charges for 1000 square openings per month. Now if you had the wizard you would end up doing all kinds of crazy designs for customers that would require many corners and that 1000 square openings will drop down once you get going.
Also that .05 cents per corner can easily be added to your customers bill without them even knowing. so if you cut 250 mats per week the machine pays for itself and if you are not doing that charge your customers $1.00 extra per opening in every mat you cut and the machine will pay for itself there are a lot of ways to get the machine to pay for itself you just have to find them.

[This message has been edited by JOHNG.]
OregonJay - More on the Wizard - It isn't that we cut so many mats during the month but the fact that the time saved each day by using the wizard on the regular stuff (about 2-3 hrs) allows us to spend time on other aspects of the business. It also doesn't ask for a raise, get sick, take a vacation or have an attitude!!
OJay, there is also a tool out designed specifically for the purpose of removing ATG. The gadget is called a "DOO-HICKEY" and I believe that Artisan Frame and Moulding puts it out. It removes the ATG without damaging the surface, getting finger oils on the surface (as in rubbing) and without lots of crumbs (as with the dry erase bag).
When I worked in a shop, we were told to place a strip of masking tape on the ATG, press it down then slowly pull it off. It takes the ATG with it, although it occasionally damages the back of the mat. I, too, wonder how to get more action on this subject, but don't have any ideas.

[This message has been edited by MerpsMom (edited 08-15-98).]
Why not just throw the dropouts away?? Then you don't have to worry about taking the 2 sided tape off!
Mount printed pages on black to help eliminate the print from showing through from the other side.

Trim the salvage edges of needle point before stretching.

Enjoy the excitement when a customer is delighted with the job you did.

[This message has been edited by JPete (edited 08-31-98).]

clean glass on a black background (i like black foam core)

clean one side of the glass with a E-W (left to right) motion / and the other side with a N-S (up and down) motion, it will help you identify where to touch up your cleaning.

buy glass in multiple sizes to eliminate vast quantities of scrap.

NEVER slide glass, even powdered. glass scratches to easily.
Another Tip for removing ATG: use a simple art gum eraser .. does the job neatly and quickly. BTW ... it must be nice to be able to toss the mat cut-outs, without any thoughts of the waste ... we ALL chuck too much paper into our world .. a little conservation would help our world, as well as our profits ...