

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
I have six watercolors done on a card-board material.

Because of the moisture of the watercolor all have warped. Now I need to find a way to relax the board so I can hing them.

All will have a double mat but the mat isn't strong enough to hold the board down.

I read somewhere a technique of spraying the backside, put in the cold press...or something like that?

Thanks all.

My wife is a watercolor artist and I have run into your problem many times, Usually it's on 140# cold press paper. Probably not as heavy as your "cardboardish" surface. I do however have very good results just misting the back of the work then sandwiching between two pieces of matboard then putting a piece of glass on top to weight it down. Usually flattens out in about 20-30 minutes. Hope this helps....

Thanks, sounds like misting is ok then?

Does Speedmount require using the heat press? If yes, what temp do you use?

Thanks again.

Say, where is Tom?

I would place it in a heat press for a few seconds with the convex side against the platen. If moisture is the problem then drying the card board should help.

Once the pigments of the watercolor are set, the card board should be stable enough to withstand the heat. I’ve never had a problem flattening water colors in this way.
I wouldn't advise using could have an effect on the pigments. Misting the reverse side lightly and flattening under even weights is a much better suggestion.

Dave Makielski
Once upon a time when most pictures on paper, whether prints,watercolours,gouaches etc,were "flattened" to "look good" in their mounts they were pasted onto a piece of card. When dampened by the paste(generally flour and water) the paper stretched and when dry later, the board would be curved (convex from the front).
The solution then was to paste another piece of paper onto the back of the support board and with some weight on the picture or insetion into a press the process reversed the effect. One flat mounted picture.
Hi Cliffie,

I'm just hangin' around the ol' shop enjoying the exceptional weather down here. If you didn't look around at the piles of rubble and trash in front of every store you'd swear that there never was a storm here! It's in the mid-80's with gorgeous skies and low humidity, a perfect day in Paradise. :cool:

You have enough good guidance to get those watercolors flattened. Just don't apply heat to them. They will flatten out with a little mist on the back sides and some weight applied or a trip into the cold vacuum press. Your customer (and you) have to realize that water applied to most rag paper will warp the paper. That is the nature of the beast. You don't want them looking like a print of a watercolor, do you?? A little rippling will authorize the medium, in my opinion.

Send your thoughts over to Wally and Deb. They may need them more than I in the next few days.
