Regular Glass


Grumbler in Training
Mar 11, 2004
Does anyone have a preference in the brand of Regular Clear Glass they use?

What is the difference between the plain boxes with no printing and the brands like Artist Choice??
My default glass is UV Protection so I get what DM sends when I order "regular". But I would say the diff between name brand and generic <strike>anything</strike> glass would be quality control. Meaning amount of bubbles and flecks of shmutz in the glass.

Usually the glass is fine, no bubbles or gunk, but when its busy then the bubbles show up!
At one time (and maybe still) you could buy glass that was pre-washed and packed with paper interleaving OR you could save a few dollars and buy glass with no paper and sprayed with some kind of silcone gunk to keep it from scratching in the box.

Had the gunky glass been free, I would still have paid for the clean, paper-packed stuff.
I think most of the unmarked boxes is what is called generic glass and it is usually a 2 mill glass instead of being 2.5 mills thick, it also usually has a few more defects in it therefore no one wants to claim it, hence generic, no trade name. Although it is still made by a major manufacturer. It also breaks much easier in large sizes and to me is not as clear,it seems to look yellow on the edge.
I agee Ron. That stuff is trying to clean eraser particles off the glass!

What about "normal" glass of 2.5mm and other glass of 2mm? Just .5mm difference, but man, what a price difference.

And my rep tells me they are both made by Tru-Vue.
Ray's response posted while I was writing - any other opinions?

What about on 22x28 or smaller (if we're talking about breakage?)
My thoughts are if the company(Tru Vue) dosen't want to claim it by putting their name on it do I want to claim it by putting my name on it. Look again the price between the generic 2mill and the tru vue Premium clear 2.5 mill is not that much if you don't go with a UV glass. And they put their name on it.!!!!!!
I don't think that the Generic glass is {all} 2 mil. The DonMar brand glass I get is 2.5 mil. Occassionally a case comes in marked Guardian or Knight, but usually the boxes are blank. The main thing is I know they are not window grade glass, which in my mind has more defects than picture grade glass.

I don't know that TruVue Premium clear is any better than DonMar generic regular I do know that it is more expensive!
I use the 2.0 clear when a customer doesn't want to pay for uv glass.
I have had no more quality control issues with it than with True Vue's glass.

Oh, and I use it up to 32 x 40. Anything oversized gets acrylic.
The generic (unmarked, plain white boxes) I get from Don Mar is almost always 2.0 mm thick (up to 32 x 40). Larger sheets are, I believe, 2.5 mm.

My understanding (and, sorry, I cannot remember the source) is that this “vanilla” glass distributed by Don Mar is manufactured and boxed in Belgium.

I love the stuff ‘cause is 20% thinner and, therefore, 20% <strike>lighter</strike> less heavy.

I don’t find any more flaws in this generic glass than I do with TruVue.
TruVue doesn't manufacture the glass.They buy it, coat it, then box it.
The 2mm glass has the same exact quality controls as the rest of the picture framing glass,and it is also a great product to use. Since it is more flexible it has more "give" than normal 2.3-2.5 mm glass and not quite as heavy as Bill already stated.
Tru Vue buys their lites from Gaurdian (unless things have changed in the last couple of years) the largest glass manufacturer in the world. I am sure just like buying gas, there are different grades. You might buy the from Exxon, but down the street they buy from Exxon too, but it is not as good. It is ok, just not top of the line.

Guardian still makes glass for TruVue as well as the automotive industry, building industry, replacement window indusrty etc.

It all comes off the same line - same formula - same QC. These lines operate 24-7-365 for about 20 years without being shut down.

Guardian Industries Carleton, Michigan plant has 2 furnaces. One makes standard formula glass (green tint) and the other makes the "low iron" (water white).

The only difference in the glass comming out is the thickness ( from 2mm to 17mm) at the Michigan plant. The Glass distributors have the option to buy what they want (2.0 mm 2.3mm 2.5mm). There is some leaway in the thickness that the sales are quoted at. For example 2.5mm might actuallt be 2.3mm thick. 2.0mm might actually be 1.8mm. The same is true with lumber. Measure a 2 x 4 and see the the actual sizes are (probally closer to 1 5/8 x 3 5/8)
It is my understanding that glass made in the U.S. is made to an ASTM specification # C-1036 and the glass we get as framers could either be "Picture" designation with a nominal thickness of 2mm that may vary from 1.6mm to 2.13 ( .071 to .085 inches thick)
"Picture" is not a grade but a thickness. It is available in several different qualities.

The other glass (most common) is "Single" which is short for single strength glass which is nominally 2.5mm but can vary from 2.18mm to 2.57mm (or nominally .090 but can vary from
.085 to .101 inches) SS is also available in several qualitites.

It is all "Float glass" as it is floated on molten tin. Float is not a thickness designation - only the manufacturing method.

The tolerances for size is ± 1/16 . which means glass out of the box is not necessarily square.

Glass made in Europe or Asia is a whole different story and the thickness and quality vary a lot... depending.
noone gets anything but UV glass from me..... I live in a SUNNY state, and dont get me started on those tube light that are EVERYWHERE. My shop is only about 15'X15' in front & has 99* UV coating on the glass BUT faces east & gets @ 2 hrs of direct sun every AM. The walls are light colored and I get UV fade on the black backers all the way in the rear of the display area--some 50' away...I use only UV glass !!!!!!!!! The bottom line is I tell customers thats the only kind I sell, show them the cost spreads(only a few $ more), show them the effects of uv damage(I have a display of 2 of the same cards-1 indoors on a dresser for 2 yrs and the other in a car for 6mos) and I have yet to have anyone voice objection to this upgrade or packup & leave.