rebate marketing

Grumbling Mike

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 13, 2000
Toronto Canada
I find more and more people I speak with feel cheated when a rebate is disalowed over technicality or timing of mail etc.

When a rep sent me the tru vue rebate form I wondered if I should set myself up to be worked over again or get a new glass supplier who respects me.

Anytime someone at bestbuy or where ever tells me Im gona get a rebate I tell them I am not going to shop in stores that misleed people about what they are going to pay.

Would any of you offer a rebate and then find ways of disallowing it.

A rebate is a deceptive form of advertising. If you choose to extend a discount, do it up front. The customer will or should appreciate it. I will never purposly decieve anyone. It's not good business and is a mojor headache. I have lost to much sleep only to find out I missed the date, or the rebate has been suspended, or the forms must have been mailed to the wrong address or something like that. It will never happen here. :D Scouts Honor.....

A rebate seems very much like a frequent buyers card in that it is an effort to offer loyal customers a quantity discount.

I imagine it is offered during slow buying times to encourage buyers(users)to stock up. I think it might also be a way a manufacturer can increase sales but not hurt distributors who had invested in a large inventory at regular prices several months ago.

I don't like Menards method of offering a rebate and after keeping your money for a month issue you store credit for the amount of the rebate. The jist of it is to get you to loan them your money for a month or two.

I haven't had any trouble with rebates and have bought computers, printers, etc. from Best Buy and always received the money. $400.00 off the price of a computer is worth the hassle.
Is "interest only" payments for 12 mos. deceiving? No, it's a good deal, only if you read the mouse print. One of my friends got socked with all the interest at the end of the period,, didn't you read the agreement?
There are all sorts of ways retailers compete for our money. Is advertising 50% off deceiving?
Unfortunately I feel that gimic has turned our industry into a discount mentality for our consumers.. but that's another subject!
I have talked to a framing industry manufacturer about their response to rebates. They indicated that they only recieve a 3% return rate for the rebates they offer. My company (DJ Wholesale Framers Supply, from Idaho) has upped this rate by supplying our customers with copies of invoices, filled out rebate forms, UPC symbols etc, all set up and ready to mail in all our customer has to do is sign the form and mail it in. This has made it so that our customers should recieve 100 percent of the rebates available. Unfortunately I just saw a new rebate form one supplier that is requiring that the rebate be filled out by the customer which makes it so that we cannot supply an already filled out rebate form to the customer. But we can still limit the amount of effort it takes for our customer to take advantage of the rebate. Every dollar counts these days.
Sit, roll over, fill out this form

I called another company, offered them the business if they came close to the rebate and I bought 10 cases -they promised not to offer a useless rebate

"Don't come back until you find a better incentive"
I had a rep from TV call be a week or so ago about the great rebate deal going on. I said a better deal would be to just reduce the price $5 a case and not waste my time with the details. As a one man band I don't have time to think about getting this ill thought out promotion.

I guess I came on a bit strong because he finally hung up on me.


I wonder if I'm that hard to deal with...?