Ready Made Frame Supplier

If you'll do a Google search for "ready made frame", only about 45,300,000 hits will come up.

Welcome to The Grumble!
American Choice makes some very nice ready mades.

And I'm sure that Rhonda Feinman would be happy to provide you with a nice steady stream of stock sizes and all for under $17,000.

Now that I have gotten that out of my system.

Welcome to the Grumble.

As a basement framer, I'm sure that $2,000 8x10s were not what you were looking for... but I could be wrong.

Are you looking for a volume supplier, or a one-off? $2 16x20s or $12 8x10s?

There are as many options to your question as Deaconsbench discribed for hits on the internet.

Being just a little more specific about what your needs are, and what you are looking for could just help us help you.
And also, Gemini Moulding has some nice readymades.........They are located in Palatine, IL. Their readymades are made from custom moulding and really service nicely.