RCI Mat Maestro

Lyn Arts

Grumbler in Training
Jul 14, 2003
Arlington, Tx 76012
I would like to hear from anyone who had the bad experience of dealing the with above company (RCI)and Mat Maestro computer mat cutter. I am particularly interested in what everyone's current status is with their machines. And did anyone have their leases handled by Shain Mercer from Pacific Associates. I am one of the fortunate ones that leased, was never able to use this piece of junk and returned it for service and upgrading and then never received the machine back. That was in the same month that RCI declared bankruptcy...so they knew they would never return the machine..Anyone out there interested in a class action suit?

Lyn Lyn Arts :mad:
Class action suit against whom? And where were you when we had about 20 people tearing up the internet complaining about this nonsense?? That all happened a couple of years ago. If you can actually get a lawyer to identify who to sue and feel confident he will recover our expenses, then I might consider. I stopped paying on the machine because it just didn't work and after a year and a half had to settle with the leasing company for ALOT of money!! Plus legal fees for my lawyer to intervene on my behalf. Personally, I think you're beating a dead horse but more power to you if you can actually get something going. :(
I am probably going to regret piping in here but not being known for having good sense here I go.

Most States have laws concerning finance companies and the way they operate. I am not sure if it is just good business practice, or if it is the law, but most leasing companies require an acceptance sign-off before releasing funds to the vendor or manufacturer. If you never received your machine, how could you possibly have accepted it? At any rate, I would call your State's Attorney General and explain your situation to them, they might intervene with the leasing company for you. Mat Maestro is long gone (i.e no blood from that turnip) so your only recourse will be the leasing company.

I am not sure if this helps you but I hope so.
I have a list of about 50 Mat Maestro customers who either paid up front for a machine or entered into a lease agreement. Maybe half of those actually received machines, and many of those never worked properly.

I was astounded to learn that the lease agreements are apparently binding in the case of none-delivery. That defies logic.

It is hard to imagine that these leasing companies were unaware of RCI's financial troubles while they continued to write leases. Proving that in court may be another matter altogether.

I was one of the "lucky" ones. My prepaid machine was delivered and set up by Marvin Brecht while the company was in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings. Since I was pre-Grumble at the time, I was unaware of what was going on. Marvin didn't mention it during my training.

My CMC continues to function more-or-less properly today. I frequently make jokes about it, and I'd much rather have a Wizard, Eclipse or Fletcher, but I wouldn't dream of going back to my pre-CMC days.
I too have a MAT MESTRO.Look I can't even spell it. I was set up with Marvin b4 this all went south. I threatened him I would go to every magazine that would publish me. He came back and got it working so-so. I can cut multi op's, some nicer cuts but FAR from what they demoed me with. The machine was paid in full and more since I'm Canadian. I love a cmc and won't go back but would like to get rif of this one. There are guys now trying to look after this machine. I don't have their names in front of me but I will try to get to post them for Ya. Please mail me regarding this matter at fancyframer@yahoo.ca
Please refer to cmc in the subject matter.