Rating the Framing Software


Grumbler in Training
Mar 19, 2002
W. Htfd, CT
Is there a site or a forum that rates picture framing software with candid comments, Rants and raves?
My patience is pretty much used up with using fullcalc! I'm pretty ripped at how they handle their tech support. I was even more furious to find that my frustrations were not uncommon on posts that were TWO YEARS OLD!! Who owns that Company?
This is as good a place as any, EBK. Lay it out there. Other people are interested in the relative merits; it seems that there are lots of choices out in the marketplace now.

Let's think of some of the parts which could be rated on, say, a 1 being poor and 10 being superstar basis:

Product Cost
Cost of Licensing
Tech Service
Vendor Updates
Integration with CMCs & Accounting Programs
Ease of Installation
Training Support
What does it take to get product up and running
Reports (Inventory, Orders, Progress, Financial, Sales.... you name them)
Ease to directly work from while designing
Ability to set pricing
How does it handle discounts, returns, changes
Mailing lists (and in general managing accounts)
Ease of changing something on the run

Just a few things off the top of my head which could help give a more objective analysis. This could either be set up here or on a personal website in a spreadsheet format.
Originally posted by po' framer:
This is as good a place as any, EBK. Lay it out there. Other people are interested in the relative merits; it seems that there are lots of choices out in the marketplace now.

<font color=indianred>I'll take a shot at this after almost 3 years of using FrameReady software.(Framerguy)</font>

Let's think of some of the parts which could be rated on, say, a 1 being poor and 10 being superstar basis:

Product Cost


Cost of Licensing

8 (if this means an annual maintenance program)

Tech Service


Vendor Updates


Integration with CMCs & Accounting Programs

N/A In my case I don't use a CMC but FR does integrate with Wizard and possibly others.

Ease of Installation


Training Support

9+ Absolutely the BEST I have seen.

What does it take to get product up and running
Reports (Inventory, Orders, Progress, Financial, Sales.... you name them)

6.5 The program is written on the File Pro database so, if you are familiar with File Pro, you can customize just about anything you want. Your customer data can be sent to SoftTouch Solutions and Bert will install it for you. Forms, I haven't even used all of the forms available in FrameReady yet.

The lower rating simply means that you should know a little more about computing than just how to turn on your machine and log onto the internet.

Ease to directly work from while designing

9 Any changes in matting, moulding, glass, fillets, etc. can be made by simply entering the numbers. Automatic repricing takes place whenever any item is changed.

Ability to set pricing

9 Again, you can change wholesale, retail, give discounts, upgrade an entire group of mats/mouldings.

How does it handle discounts, returns, changes

8 Fully integrated.

Mailing lists (and in general managing accounts)

9 Fully integrated.

Ease of changing something on the run

Probably goes hand in hand with ease of working while designing, same rating.

Just a few things off the top of my head which could help give a more objective analysis. This could either be set up here or on a personal website in a spreadsheet format.
Thanks for the response,
Since that was my first post to this site I should set that spread sheet up with the categories and ratings by software product(per sheet).
It probably would be helpful to collect as many as possible.
Maybe someone can write a list of the currrent software pruducts available
EBK, expand the default list *from the last 10 days* to the highest it will go. There are some good recent discussions which name the relevant software packages.
Welcome to the Grumble. Agree with above advice -- check out posts on programs for the past couple of weeks and or even years. Each business has it's own needs & desires.

I seem to be the Artisan FramePlus (by Cer-Tek) Spokesperson here, so I'll give it a shot. I've been using the program about 14 months. I have no idea how it compares to the one you are using now.

Product Cost--9 (under 900)

Cost of Licensing--7 (100 for updates, 300 for unlimited support & upgrades. As program is still evolving & improving, the higher price seemed like a good option on renewal though I very RARELY need support)

Tech Service--9

Vendor Updates--7 (quarterly via disk at this time)

Integration with CMCs & Accounting Programs--? supposed to be there for Wizard & QB but I don't use.

Ease of Installation--9

Training Support--9 One of the developers is ex framer and that helps, especially at the beginning when setting up. Really good E Mail support as well as via phone. Also, developers eager for input from us framers and quite interested in making the program better.

Daily use easy to teach to others---a few key stroke commands to learn for best use of program.

What does it take to get product up and running--8--just depends on you---could be instant if use as is with LJ pricing charts & formulas. Lots of variables on pricing solutions--can price per vendor and/or product type.... It was easy for me to customize order writing screen menu choices to my terms & pre-existing pricing structures for MOST areas. Needed to develop printing of order form & receipts to my liking. Thought on that is that this program might not have some of the slick (and very cool) pre set templates of some of the others, but being able to make up my own forms actually turned into a plus, not a minus.

Reports (Inventory, Orders, Progress, Financial, Sales.... you name them) 6 -- There is a lot there I don't use in my small shop, so hesitant to give rave on this, but I also feel the custom framing inventory area needs work & may be missing some things you are used to. Other items sold (art, for example) are handled well....incuding consignments, gift certificates and more.

Some have said this is a Retail POS register first with a custom framing order writing screen add on. The reports on sales and income would make an accountant very happy.

Ease to directly work from while designing--9.9
Only difficulty is can't collect money from the register area mid a design order. Easy to have several design orders pending for different clients, when needed. Room for lots of mats, several frame stacks, fillets, etc.

Ability to set pricing--9

How does it handle discounts, returns, changes-8
Its a 10 on discounts & on the fly pricing and changes. Returns just take a little practice to learn. Difficult to change an order once a deposit received, though it now can be done. (That is actually good financial security feature, tho annoying sometimes!)

Mailing lists (and in general managing accounts) 9
Navigates well at design counter and if don't like their way for reports can export to Excel or other spreadsheet programs. Good monthly statement feature for billed accounts.

Ease of changing something on the run--9.9

Feel free to E Mail me with any questions.