Quickbooks Users


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 26, 2002
De Pere, WI
I'm using Quickbooks Basic 2004. I know I can improve the way I use it. Does anyone use Quickbooks and know of a good reference book outside the manual or online help?

what are you looking for, better reports, data entry, invoicing? this is the only program I have used and I am perfectly happy with it, support stinks, but the program is good.
Originally posted by Frame Lady:
what are you looking for, better reports, data entry, invoicing? this is the only program I have used and I am perfectly happy with it, support stinks, but the program is good.
Bettter control of invoicing for starters. From what I've read in the manual, I should be able to list items with prices and have them show on the screen but only the total cost be printed for the customer to see....ain't workin'. I have to figure everything out on paper with a calculater then fill in the invoice with just the info I want the customer to see. Then I have to enter the total cost first, then quantity, then description, otherwise if I start at the left of the invoice filling in the info, when I get to filling in the total cost it wipes out the quantity and description.

When I first started using Quickbooks, I just dove in entering transactions. Now I've got some things to "clean up" that I don't know how. I managed last year to get the reports I needed for tax time. But, I'm almost at the point where I could probably do just as good with a paper ledger. So, I just want to generally be able to use the software better.

most of the number fields have a math function----add - subtract - divide - multiply........

once you press the enter key (total) that is it.

I am sort of confused as to what math functions you are doing that you do not want to have the client see.

The more advanced version has a "Job Costing" maybe that is what you are looking for.
Originally posted by JFeig:

I am sort of confused as to what math functions you are doing that you do not want to have the client see.
My understanding is I can define costs such as materials (mats, glass, frame etc.) and labor ($x.xx per hour) and enter these and they are visible on the screen. QB will total these and add tax. But when I go to actually print the invoice to give to the customer, all that is printed is the total for the job and the tax. So the customer only sees the total and the tax.