QuickBooks Corner


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 23, 2002
Does anyone know of an easy way to set up Quickbooks to give the average custom frame job sale for a given period? I keep art sales and framing sales seperate.

I have a custom QB report that I use to give me an average ticket value for whatever timeframe I choose. It does require 1 manual calculation. Whether it will work for you depends upon how you input the data.

I assume only 1 frame per invoice and haven't had the need to attempt to enhance the report for multiple frames per invoice. The report gives a total $ amount for the time period and a listing of the jobs. I count the # of jobs and divide into the total for the average $ per invoice.

I also filter out any invoice less than $65 because any lesser amount was not a complete framing job and I choose not to include the data.

This is not a report that can be exported, but it is fairly easy to setup.
Rick, I would love to see what you do.

I would like to set up a way to count the number of items (frame jobs) in a period. Once I had a way to do this, I could count invoices, customers, items, etc. Since QB automatically totals the amount for the report, getting the average would be easy. Maybe if I upgraded to QB Pro I could export the report to Excel or Access and get an item (framing sale or art sales) count. Seems pretty stupid that QB doesn’t automatically count line items.
Less, try this. I was looking for the screens that I used to generate the customized report and realized there was a report that eliminated the need for manual calculations. I am still using QB99. It works for the items that I have setup in QB. It'll probably also give you average ticket for art sales if you input them separately in QB.

From Menu Bar:
Sales Reports
By Item Summary

Amount >70 or whatever minimum ticket desired
Date Custom
Item All Sales items
Name All Customers/Jobs

Change Name to "Average Customer Invoice" and report will be saved under the Customized Reports menu.

Report Generated with the following 4 Columns
Total Quantity
Total Amount
Average Price

You can change the From and To dates to suit your pleasure

[ 03-09-2003, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Rick Bergeron - CPF ]
Carol in Canada, you may be right. But, since I need to use QB anyway, I might as well learn how to use it well.

Rick, Thank you that does work. It looks like that it works in item summary only.

That was a summary report, but if you move your mouse over the figures in the report, the mouse will sometimes change to a "Z". If you click on those number fields, all of the details that were used to generate that number will be displayed.
Thanks again for the tips.

Although I am getting an item average, I am not getting a per invoice average - probably due to the fact that I have multiple items on my invoices. Do you have any idea how to make this work, so I can get an average invoice with out having to hand count each one? One would think that this would be a basic function in QB.