quickbooks and specialty soft


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Nov 19, 1998
whitewater,wi.53190 usa
Do any of you that use Specialty Soft also use Quickbooks? I understand they interface to some degree. I am trying to get as much info as possible before I buy the accounting software.

Mike could tell you for sure, but I think they are both FoxPro based. Should interface seamlessly..... just like a LJ chop . . . oops, another thread.... :D
Specialtysoft is a fine product, and I believe it exports to QB (Im not positive, I'm a LifeSaver customer).

The question is, do you want your accounting system to keep detailed records of each individual customer transaction - or just the daily totals? There are lots of ways to do things and opinions will vary. With our system, i've chosen to manually enter the daily batch cash, visa/mc, discover, and amex totals which are on our daily closing report(and credit card machine closing report). This gives us something to balance the checking account against when the statement comes in, since that's how they're deposited/listed. In our case, Quicken is also used to categorize and pay all outgoing bills/funds/checks.

Our accountant is happy with this system, and imports a copy of the file at the end of the year, and balances it again with the bank statements.

In short we have the pos keep track of the individual customer records, and qb takes care of the daily totals and bill paying. It takes about a minute per day to enter them.

How are others doing it? Interesting topic!

Any SS users out there who can explain which method they export to?
I have SSS and QB. I am testing their latest QB interface. It seems to work fine. The big question is the one Mike asked. DO you want your customer data and invoice info to be in both places?

I find each is very important and useful in my operations. But, to date I have used a very similar approach to Mike's and enter the end-of-day numbers into QB before I leave each day. (Less than 10 minutes)
I left a message with SpecialtySoft Tech support as to the question. Hopefully they will get on-line and answer.
We use the same method as Mike and Cliff, but I would be excited to save a little time and merge them. Let's see, that would mean networking five computers at two locations. That alone makes my head hurt. The SSS crew is pretty on top of things, so I would expect them to post soon.
Great responses! What I had in mind was similiar to others. I want to move the sells data (numbers) into QB. I'm not really interested in pulling customer info into the accounting system. I also want to keep track of all accounts payable and bank account balances and mileage.

Depending on which version you buy, QB can also track inventory. I don't know if this is what I need or not. SSS seems to keep track of this. I am leaning toward QBPro. I had used MS Money last year but the program could never balance my bank account. Also do you have to upgrade each year?
I use QB Basic and it is sufficient. I am still on the 2002 version. Haven't seen a reason to upgrade yet.

I think I can get the SSS QB interface to do what we all want, but I'm still working on it.
FYI.I just talked to Olivia at Specialty Soft and she told me they have re-written the interface with QuickBooks. The QBPro and Premium editions for 2005 will work and probably as well the 2004 editions. If I recall correctly the 2003 and 2002 versions also work.

Thanks to Specialty Soft for the support!
Originally posted by Mike-L@GTP:

How are others doing it? Interesting topic!
Just like you, Mike. Enter the sales totals from the daily closing into QB. All customer data stays in LifeSaver.
Hello Grumblers. I believe I can answer questions as relates to SpecialtySoft and Quickbooks. SpecialtySoft is a member of the Quickbooks Developers Network and a Microsoft Certified partner.

Our original Quickbooks interface was written in 1998. In 2004, at the request of our customers, our Quickbooks interface was rewritten from scratch. This interface is available in SpecialtySoft version 2.85.

The QuickBooks Interface Dialog allows the user to transmit invoice details from SpecialtySoft to QuickBooks. This information will then update QuickBooks invoices and reports concerning sales. Customer information is included in the information that is carried over to Quickbooks.

SpecialtySoft’s new Quickbooks interface works with Quickbooks Pro Edition 2004, Quickbooks Pro Edition 2005, Quickbooks Premier Edition 2004 and Quickbooks Premier Edition 2005. The interface will not work with previous editions of Quickbooks. This restriction is imposed by Quickbooks, not SpecialtySoft.

SpecialtySoft customers with specific questions or requiring assistance with the Quickbooks interface, please contact techsupport@specialtysoft.com.

Thanks for the opportunity to address the Grumblers

Olivia Shaw
Director of Sales