Quickbooks AND framing software????

If I did my homework right, I believe SpecialtySoft is. I'm just getting around to installing the software, so I haven't gotten around to the accounting software.

That matters what you mean by "compatible".
If you mean, having the ability to quickly enter your daily numbers into QuickBooks, most framing software can generate a report for this purpose.
If you mean, automatically exchanging data between the two programs, good luck in your search. QuickBooks uses a proprietary format and makes it difficult and expensive for software vendors to interface with it.
Best bet is to ask each vendor how they do it. My guess is most will use the former approach.

[ 03-06-2003, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: FramerBill ]

SpecialtySoft will only export the following to Quickbooks:

*POS Sales to QB acct 4010
*POS Accounts Receivable to QB acct 1200
*POS Sales Tax Payable to QB acct 2200

That said and done, the data will not necessarily show up in a Quickbooks report. An example being the Quickbooks Sales Tax Payable report. Total sales does not appear in the report.... only the sales tax total that the POS calculated... all other fields will be blank. My State and Local Tax agencies require every field that is in the QB tax payable report, so I still manually input the data into QB from the POS reports so that QB calculates the tax.

As FramerBill said, QB uses a format that appears to be very difficult (if not impossible) for others to interface.
Yes, what Rick said. I bought SpecialtySoft in part for the automated QB interface, but there are things it just won't do. I operate on an accrual basis, so Deposits On Orders goes into a "Deferred Revenue" or Liability account, not a Sales account. Although SSS tracks this VERY well, it does not enable me transfer this data with the export/import feature. I couldn't find any other interface other than the manual one mentioned.

I print reports each night and transfer the data to QB. The other thing this enables me to do is put checks into the cash account so I can batch my deposits instead of having a deposit entered each day even when I might wait a few days to do the deposit. This let's me balance the checking account statement MUCH easier, because the entries all match! (Hope that was clear??)

I have to agree with everyone else on this but it is more on principle. I run fullcalc and I framkly do not trust the whole system enough to just push a button and have my numbers moved over. My accountant set me up with a memorized invioce in quickbooks that I fill in using numbers from my daily sales report, it is very easy and every so often I catch a snafu with the fulcalc report that I have to translate into what I think of as my"real" books. I think you are best off not looking for that magic bullet it could kill you when you are not looking.
Joe, I couldn't agree with your more. Computers are great for managing your business, but do you really want to allow your computer to make your financial decisions for you?

One of the benefits of manually entering your totals into your accounting software is that you are always conscious of the financial trends in your business. William Parker wrote an excellent article in Decor, July 2002 which reinforces why it is so important to keep your finger on the financial pulse of your business. You will tend not do this if your computer sends the data for you. There are some things that are important enough that you should do them yourself. This is one of them.

Use your POS software reports and manually enter the daily sales figures... watch them carefully.

The other reason you should not want all of the invoices copied from your POS is that you will now have two sets of invoices to monitor. If you modify an invoice in your QB, will you immediately go back to your POS and modify it there as well? If you don't, the two will not balance and at the end of the month (or, heaven forbid, year) when you catch the discrepancies it is an overwhelming task to find out where the differences are and which one is correct.

POS and accounting software offer two different and necessary functions for your business. Let your POS software manage your business and keep your sales coming in through your accounts receivable. Let your accounting software tell you how you are doing financially overall and provide you with your bottom line.

Just some thoughts,

Smile with Style

Carol Graham,
SoftTouch Solutions