Questions for Specialty Soft users

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
I'm still working on entering my pricing structures. I want it all to be 'perfect' before implementing the program. While practicing, I've run into these questions (so far):

1) When you use matboard as substrate, do you just add the mat margins and use the price given based on the total UI?

2) I entered a "sew mount" charge for a 10x15 knitted piece with 3" mat margin = 16 x 21 and a price was entered. We then changed it to a 2" mat margin = 14" x 19" and the "sew mount" price DECREASED! That shouldn't happen because the size of the piece being mounted remains the same. Suggestions please.

The prices are calculated using the overall framesize, not the image or opening size. That is why the price decreased.

I understand the desire to have everything perfect before going live, but in reality, there is no way that software calculated prices will exactly match hand calculated prices. Most cases will prove the software calculations to be higher. We use a waste factor, labor factor, freight factor & ignore the interest factor for all glass and mats which automatically adds that to the price.

Have you gone through the setup tutoring that the Tech Support folks at SpecialtySoft offer to new users?
Thanks Rick for your input. I appreciate your candidness.

I did go through the setup tutoring and telephone conferences. My problem is that when I find glitches such as I mentioned above, I want them fixed! Like in this case, I'm not going to be happy with a system that over charges my customer. And I'm certainly not going to recheck all the figures before giving it to the customer saying, "Oh dear, this isn't right!" (obviously).

That's why I want to practice with it before putting it into use. I've shared this with Specialty Soft. I'm a real believer that 'glitches' CAN be fixed - it's just a matter of someone doing it.....and if it's something I'm doing wrong, I need to know (as in this case re: sewing mount - I thought I was doing something wrong). I gotcha re: glass/mat prices.

It's shaping up - just gonna take a while longer it looks like.
Sherry, are you talking a dollar or two or several dollers? If the size of the board you are sewing on is larger, then you would have an increase in price.

I would still not be using the system after a couple years if I had practiced until I had everything to perfection. I see nothing wrong in letting a customer know this is all new and reduce the charges some if you don't think it is right. You do have the option of discounts on each item or all items.

You could set it up as a specialty charge at different sizes. I guess it would depend on how much sew mounting you do. Good luck.
I hear you JPete. And I'm afraid I'll have to accept that.

Re: setting up sew mount charges, I thought about doing it as you suggested - that's a good idea.

Thanks for your input!!

there are some things (sewing may be one of them, although I just take the extra $) that just doesn't lend itself to "size" based calculations. But, the software doesn't really have anything else to calculate from.

That's why I have a "Misc" charge in the Specialty section that is equal to 1 dollar. That way, if there is something I need to hand price, I pick "Misc" and have it set up to prompt me for an amount. When the amount dialog box pops up, you can enter whatever amount you want, including "fractions." So, for example, if I need to add a $12.50 charge for putting a 48" vertical strap hanger on (boy would I have a ton of special charges if I entered every one of those!) I just enter Misc 12.5.
Sherry, I also use the misc. charges but I have set up a ton of Speciallty charges for a customer who we do the fitting for all of their frames. Twenty years ago we did one size with glass. Now they have close to 50 some with glass, some with out and they need a work order with each frame and an invoice for the batch they bring in.

I'm sure customer support could have given me another way to do it, but sometimes figuring it out my way seems to get it my way.!!

A. For the work orders, I enter the name of their customer and the number associated with that order on the Discription and Condition lines at the bottom of the fast frame screen. That way it appears on their work order and on the invoice.

B. I also enter a size of 1 x 1 for each item and when setting up the cost of the speciallty charges, I subtracted the fitting amount e.g. my charge to them is to be $30, my fitting fee is .35 per UN so I entered my charge as $29.30 and the program would add the 70 cents for the 2 united inches, giving me the price of $30.00. I'm sure their may be an easier way but that works for me.

C. It's a resale so I have that customer set up for no tax. It makes it easier for them and us to know what the charges are rather than using the regular fitting fee, disocunting and having the prices all over the place. I don't go crazy checking on each size of every frame.

D. It's more work when raising the prices but worth it.

E. How have the rest of you overcome your unique situations in SS?

I'm also enjoying the Tips and tricks SS send out via e-mail. Recieving one at a time seems to make it more useful.
Specialty Charges.

You could set up 2 different charge factors for different border widths. I have at least 4 different "fitting" charges, and as many "remove art from frame" charges.

I also have a catch-all category that is called "additional labor" It is based on my shop rate and is broken down into quarter hour increments (though I can do decimal amounts to fudge the figure if necessary).

Make a list of all the services you offer that are not included in the basic software and plug them into the specialty charges category. This is where I put 1/4" plate mirror (priced by the square foot) and beveling charge for the same mirror (priced by the lineal inch). Stuff like watercolor panels, French lines, strainer frames, hand covering of either a mat or a liner, v-grooves, shims, spacers...all those odd lots fit neatly into the "specialty charges" category.