

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Oct 5, 2002
Douglasville, GA, where Daisy, the Wonder Cat, sti
Why is it that some of the threads are the width of my screen, and some of them I have to scroll to see the whole thing? Am I doing something wrong? Like, that wouldn't be the first time for that.
When someone posts a picture that is too wide, it causes the whole page to widen to accomodate it and you have to do a horizontal scroll to view even the text.

That's one of the reasons that it's rude to post huge graphics on The Grumble.
Speaking of rude, Ron: Tom and I discussed some pictures a while back which will soon be posted for you to enjoy! *fair warning*
You may want to check your Display Settings and see what resolution you are running. Some older video cards don't support newer monitors too well and can cause the screen size to appear larger than you'd like.

Then again it could just be Rude pictures.
This is happening to me on threads w/o pictures. I'll open some threads, and the whole thing is just as wide as my screen. Then, I can maybe open the next thread, and I have to scroll left and right. I never know which thread it will be. Sometimes w/ sometimes w/o pics. I don't think that it's the video card and monitor combi. Both are fairly new, and match well on most things. Any other ideas, Guys? I'm seeing the "war w/ Iraq" thread wide and the "toast" thread wide. Add to that the "target demographics" thread.

[ 02-12-2003, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: fttom ]
Ron, I'm seing the same thing fttom is on some threads. The picture of the DeSoto I posted was about 1X2 or so from the site it came from. Seems like this has come up before, but I don't remember what was wrong.
emibub may have something to do with it........

Just testing. This photo was/is same size as the DeSoto pic I posted. When I posted the DeSoto pic, it mysteriously filled the page.

[ 02-13-2003, 03:43 AM: Message edited by: CharlesLowry. ]
Charles, it looks to me like what you posted here is a thumbnail image from Google, while the photo on the other thread was the full-size image that the thumb-nail linked to.
fttom and Charles,

This scrolling problem happens also when somebody posts a very long URL in their posts. I have seen some of these go 2" past what is considered a normal screen. There was a recent post on one of the threads that had an extremely long URL that sent the text off the screen.

Windows won't split a URL any more than it will split a large photo.
