Question: Scotch Pro-Spray Adhesive Mounting System


Inactive Account
May 24, 2002
Raceland, Louisiana
I read a few good/bad (mostly good)comments posted in the past about Pro-Spray. Question: Being it IS a waterbased adhesive, when something is mounted on foamcore, or whatever, should the item be NOT framed for at least 12 hours to allow for the COMPLETE evaporation of the water in the glue? What made me think about this was a comment made by someone about gluing two mats together using water-based glue (Elmers glue,etc.). They said be sure the glue is completely dry before framing or it will ruin the surface of the item framed. If this is so, to save time,i guess i will have to "stick" to Thanks

[ 09-06-2003, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: ahohen ]
I just received the 3m pro spray. nless I have missed something, which is possible, it does not impress me.

First of all you can see where you have sprayed the glue.
Second of all lost of overspray, more than even Vacumount.

Does not appear any way to be extra nozzles, which sill plug easy and get lost easy. Unless you are constantly using it to mount like everyday and all day, its tomuch of a hassle to clean up. And seems to me that if you need to use a wet mlunt system that often there are plenty of other lest expesive ways to do it.
I have neither the money or the space for a mounting press so I got the 3M system.

The first project I used it on was the mounting of 15 photographs ranging in size from 16 x 20 to (8 of them that were) 30 x 40. It worked perfectly.

It does take a little practice to lay the adhesive down evenly but that is true with any spray. If nothing else it is probably the least toxic stuff you can use and the cleanup is extremely easy.

I had no issues with overspray. The nozzle directs a fairly narrow stream of adhesive. This requires a lot of passes on a large piece but overall I am very happy with the system. I could not have done this huge job without it!
We've had great success selling and USING the system. Our mounting department said they were have clogging problems so I went back to check.

I asked when they last used it. (10 days - it was clogged) I put down a piece of paper and it spray flawlessly. Everyone looked at me like I was drugged or lucky.

Then I looked at the water collector on the line...guess what full to the brim....not a good thing with a water based adhesive.

That problem is fixed. If you keep the cap on and the sponge damp the unit will work flawlessly.

As far as seeing where the spray is, most people find this to be an advantage. Overspray does not seem to be an issue, in fact you can turn the nozzle portion slightly for better control.
OK, I have been using 77 to mount my large photos that are 30x40 to gatorboard and I always seem to get a spec of dust caught under the print. How do you guys physically attatch the 30x40 print to the board once it is sprayed?

My technique is to roll the print up on a tube.
Then tack down the left hand side with some repositional adhesive spray.
And then slowly spray the board with 77 spray while simultaneoulsy unrolling the print to cover up the just sprayed part.

I have a 24" daige wet adhesive roller machine too and I have never gotten good at using it. I can feed a print through and get it nice and wet with adhesive, but if it is a large print I inevitable put a kink in it or get glue on it while trying to massage it onto gatorboard.

Thanks, Rolland
Can anyone help me out here? Or perhaps this is a trade secret.

peace, Rolland
I just found out 3m is no longer making this system. anyone know of other water based spray adhesive systems?