Puck n glue

Grumbling Mike

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jul 13, 2000
Toronto Canada
Hi grumblers, any thoughts on what glue would work best on a puck as in glue puck to mat and it doent come back in 6 months? I would really prefer not to drill into it.
We talkin' hockey puck here, Mike?

I've had great success with cutting snug circles through several layers of mat and stuffing the puck into the opening. No glue and not much chance it'll come out unless you want it to.
We always use Silicone

Have never had one come back yet

Make sure you let it dry (cure) a couple days before enclosing

If conservation mounting - say a signed puck - use mylar encapsulation or easier yet - use conservation tule (sp?)

I think some of the conservation gurus are backing away from tulle now. It appears that it abrades the surface of whatever is mounted in it over time. If you have something with say an autograph, in time the abrading could rub off the ink used. A sink mat is the best way for conservation jobs. If decorative, a really good glue.
Our company sells self-hanging jersey boxes. A lot of our customers spice them up by adding pictures or hockey pucks. Most customers either use silicone or screw the puck from behind, going right through the fomecore and matboard.

Daniel Cochrane
If it's a signed puck I would be very hesitant to glue or screw it unless the customer stipulates that is what he/she wants. If it's just an add in then I agree with Jerry and say screw it in. I have used silicone with great success which if you work at it can be removed from the puck with a bit of effort. If it's signed and if there is the possibility of increasing in value then without a doubt I would use a mylar case.

Ron's idea sounds like a winner. Having the bevels
snug up to the edges of the puck at different
levels should give the moderate, steady support
that you need.

If you use Gorilla glue, keep in mind that it "grows" (spreads) quite a bit larger than the dab you originally apply. But, it will definitely hold.