Programming a Wizard.


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 26, 2002
De Pere, WI
I mentioned to a local framer I have a background in AutoCAD. He asked if I could figure out how to "program" his Wizard CMC. I don't know anything about CMCs except they work on the same principle as a CAD pen plotter. Does the Wizard import AutoCAD DXF files? Can you write script routines for the Wizard? :confused:

Originally posted by Dancinbaer:
[QB]I mentioned to a local framer I have a background in AutoCAD. He asked if I could figure out how to "program" his Wizard CMC. I don't know anything about CMCs except they work on the same principle as a CAD pen plotter. Does the Wizard import AutoCAD DXF files? Can you write script routines for the Wizard? :confused:

Dancinbaer: The Wizard will translate DXF files and if he has a newer version of the Wizard software he can buy Wizards' CAD program that really makes this easy. I would be concerned about what he's really asking when he wants to "program" his Wizard. Wizard has an excellent help desk and they could certainly walk him through anything he needs.
Apparently he is just leasing the Wizard. He commented that unless you've actually purchased the system, the help desk isn't to helpful.

He actually offered to show me how to use it in return for me figuring out how to program it. One of my former interests has been programming CAD. I guess just out of curiosity I'll take a look at it. If nothing else I'll learn a little about a Wizard. As a freshman framer nothin' wrong with that......

I certainly don't make a habit of contradicting our customers, but whoever you were speaking to about Wizard Customer Support seems to have it a bit backwards.

Wizard has well over 2000 rental customers, more than double the number of purchase customers. Although we try our best to treat all customers equally, our rental customers can stop renting at any time so we really try to go the extra mile for them, they truly are our life blood.

If you have used a CADD program, our CADD will be a snap.
Do you have any literature I could get regarding the "programming" of the Wizard? I'm interested in reading all a Wizard can do. I've been to the website, looked at the clip art and designs. Pretty neat stuff. But I'd like more detail.

sorry to butt in here ED
Just to inject I have been a Wizard renter for going on almost 4 years. Wizard support is very good but everyonce in a while I have gotten a new person and Have found to be a little green but we all have to learn. If they could not help there was always someone there who could get me the right answer. Show me a computer support dept. that does not have at least one new person. The Wizard came with a cadd manuel. Ask the owner where it is. If he does not have it that might give you an idea of the problem it is downloadable from Wizard web site. As you know Cadd is not for everyone it takes time, it takes practice. You have to master it so when you don't use it for a week or two you don't forget how to do things. I use the cadd to design all the time it is very simple really great. Most frame shops will not take the 40 to 60 hours of screen time to master it. First cadd drawing I did I called wizard support and they actually walked me through ever step. Framers think it should be like clicking on a template. After all we are mostly creative people and not very computer savey.
The term "programing" kind of bothers me though. You are not going to be programing the cadd software you will be designing a mat with the cadd program am I correct?
The CADD Manual is on the website, you will find that it is easier to use if you follow the steps in the manual. Remember though, unlike AutoCad the Wiz only recognizes Circles, squares, Lines and 3point arcs when it cuts. You have to take some images that you have scanned and redraw them with these objects, once you do it it's easy.
Edd, Received the Wizard information packet. Thanks very much. Will be reading it soon.

Jerry, Down loaded the CAD manual from the Wizard web site. "Looks" very similar to AutoCAD and the command descriptions appear almost identical to AutoCAD. Should be easy to pick up the Wizard.

I'm gonna give the shop owner a call and see when I can get some hands on.

Thanks for all the "input",
