Products I would like to see


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Maybe we could consolidate our hopes and wishes for new products in one place?

My first wish is for BLACK Restore. Wouldn't that be wonderful for newspaper articles and old magazine pages???

My second wish is for Matte Finished Mylar. Come on, SOMEBODY -make it in matte!!!

What do y'all wish you could buy from United?????
Framar,I like this thread. I am afraid that mat finish Mylar is not available from GE at this time. What exactly is Black Restore?
I hope this thread gets a large response as we are always on the lookout for new items. Feedback from our customers reagrding new products we should have in inventory will be most helpful.
Black fome core with heat activated adhesive already on it. Of course acid-free, completely reversible (oh yeah and half price!)

Two out of three wouldn't be bad!
I've asked my Bainbridge rep for the Black Artcare Restore as well!

(Bob, I think Black Speedmount gets 2 out of 3 for you. It is half price. You didn't say half of what! ;) )

- Offset clips with holes on both "lips."

- Plain white "cling labels" to put prices on photoframes without adhesive. (or the expense of printing)
A tool that will quickly and neatly crimp the edges of foam board or cardboard when it's that slight bit too thick to fit in a metal frame.

A cigar that I can smoke in my workshop that won't stink up my gallery. :D

A tool that will set on the top corners of a frame, give you guide holes on where to put the screw eyes, and have pegs that you can pull the wire over as you thread it so that you can actually make the wire the exact same tension on multilple pictures and quiet the measuring challenged customers.

A good selection of plate hangers, if there is such a thing. I can't tell you how many people are irritated that we don't have something for them to hang their plates on a wall without a frame. I'm ready to break down and just buy something to sell them.
- Offset clips with holes on both "lips."
I will second that!~

johnny Try a juan lopez!~ and an Sharper Image electronic air cleaner or a romeo y juliete anniversiare robusto and two air cleaners!~ LOL
A burnishing bone will "crimp" the edges down real nicely. (United has them now! Aren't they on-sale Peter A.?
A divining rod that locates new customers?

A machine that does everything that I do but doesn't cost anything?

A white noise machine that keeps my employees happy.....all the time!

My two cents
Thanks for your enthusiasm Peter - you know there is a product that actually exists that I'd love to see United carry - Tyvek tape - in 1" and 1 1/2" widths. I have to buy this from Light Impressions now. It is great for hinging mats, sealing frames and making archival storage containers.

I currently use a wooden wallpaper roller to crimp the edges - but I bet a stainless steel one would be better! 2" width would be plenty! I've never had any luck doing it with the burnishing bone...
Framar who makes the tyvek tape? And do you know what type of adhesive they use on it?
Just wondering
Patrick Leeland
Hey, Peter, remember the little plastic travelling tape cutter with the serrated metal edge, that clips onto a 3"core roll of tape ? They came in 1/2, 3/4, and 1" widths, and had little positioning fingers that kept them at the right position as the tape roll got used up. I think United used to carry them. Last I heard, they guy who invented them died and the patent is currently in limbo. Any info on these or something similar?
Also, how about a reusable plastic holder that would clip onto a 1200SE mat cutter blade after it is past its prime for matcutting but still plenty useful for dustcover trimming, scraping, etc. I've seen similar things in hardware stores that hold jacketed blades, but nothing for the unjacketed matcutter blades we have.

:cool: Rick
Patrick - I am not sure who makes the Tyvek tape - it has no markings on the core and no wrapping. But if Light Impressions sells it I am sure the adhesive is of an archival nature - not for use on artwork, obviously, but many other uses - plus it sticks to coroplast!!! And ... it's paintable!!!
Rick -
I believe United has a red plastic dustcover trimmer that uses mat-cutter blades - it actually holds two blades so you can use it either left or right handed! It's called the hassle-free trimming knife #2001
A simple device for hinging wooden frames together. Something that has screws that will not strip because there is never a screwdriver that small in my shop, so I make do with the wrong driver.

Handles that will accept Wizard and Fletcher 6100 CMC blades so they can be used for trimming backing, preferably with a guide. Way it is now, a blade that is too dull for cutting mats, but still plenty sharp for other things, gets tossed.

A village in Texas that will take it's idiot back.

I build mine John. Next time I order the handles, imma order a bunch and make a bunch. All you do is make the whole smaller and closer to the handle. Then use a smaller screw.

It takes a long time to do just one but not much longer to do 10.
[Handles that will accept Wizard and Fletcher 6100 CMC blades so they can be used for trimming backing, preferably with a guide. Way it is now, a blade that is too dull for cutting mats, but still plenty sharp for other things, gets tossed.}

We fold large felt bumpons over the back of blade to protect fingers. Nice blade pads. Use them all the time for triming everything.
PETER, I need the A-Mazeing picture Frame Hook, the earthquake one, it is made by the same people that make that earthquake gel stuff. You should check into Hangman products, they have a z-bar type bar with the level built in and it comes packaged in different sizes, no cutting the 5' bar for the mirrors. Also need bonafide stainless steel pins. I'm sure there is more that I will think of tomorrow......oh well!

I just placed a nice order ($400+) and you always do an excellent job, keep up the good work and see you in Las Vegas in 2006. When you get to Seattle, stop by and say hello.

Lynn Clark
Lady are you anticipating the great quake that is going to leval the Alaska Way Viaduct?

There are some good ideas here and I will be looking into some of the suggestions shortly. Keep these ideas comming. I am sure you will see some of these products soon. Keep these ideas comming.
-second the wizard blade handle
-that red trimmer is the very best ever! (been usin' one for years!)
-second the long-tabbed, opposed-hole offsets!!!(we actually got a batch once---forget which size---by chance)
thanks, peter, for your zeal!
Matte mylar is available in sheets. I know because we carry it here. It's like ng glass, shiny on one side and matte on the other. I think we carry .05mil
2 hole offsets (longer)= brass mending plates. Bend them any way you like. Also available 4 hole.
Blade holder= scrap of mldg. a couple of washers and a screw. We used to make these at a DIY shop so the customers wouldn't hurt themselves. They still found ways.
Foamboard edge crimper= the handle of the screwdriver you're probably using.
My favorite foam board tool is the foam board rabbet cutter.
Great for fitting fb to fill behind fillets, box construction, etc. I'm really not sure where mine came from. I don't think United nas them but I may be wrong. It says " a product of Douglas F. Wolff, Beowulf Co."
I'd like to bring back Mat Magic (Much easier to use than the alternatives in my opinion) and Leaf Tek.
Mar, great thread concept, hopefully Peter A will give you a commission on the products! (or at least free shipping for a year!)

Maybe we should take this thread to teh next level and pick the "best" idea, then make prototypes, pass them around, make modifications and market the item.

If I had a CMC I'd vote for teh blade holder for trimming backing paper.

I have the one for regular mat blades, and I love it! Don't use it anymore, I cut freehand, but it is great for classes, and training new people how to trim. I always wish that I had bought the ATG Tape spacer as a complement to the hassle-free cutter! They make a great pair and I never remember to add it to my order, then kick myself for forgetting!

PS if the Hassle-free trimmer could be emblazened with my business name I would give them away at the mat cutting classes I give! Talk about an awesome chotkee to give attendees. I rarely use my letter openers or fridge magnets but iwould use that everyday!
Earthquake hooks - they call them tremor hooks - are available from impex hardware in Miami. But we'd buy hem from Peter if he carried them.

The red trimmer - is GREAT - are they still available?

Wizard blade handle - that would be great! Can we preorder one now?

Cmon guys, the Wizard blade handle has to hold Fletcher 6100 blades as well. There is a sound reason for this, I have a 6100. Since it was my idea, ya gotta do it my way.

Myself, I think Wizard and Fletcher and any other CMC seller, should include them with the machine.

Originally posted by JRB:

Myself, I think Wizard and Fletcher and any other CMC seller, should include them with the machine.

Nope, give them away at shows! Then you have to buy the blades to use the cutter. Then since you own the blades you might as well buy the machine!

Up-selling, like "you want fries with that"

Oops, just dated myself, remember when the fries were sold seperate at MickyD's? No saying #1 with a coke, it was "Big Mac and a coke"... "you want fries with that?"

Great upsell! what's ours?
A device on the Grumble that will keep political posts out of threads that don't call for them or automatically switch them to Warped Moulding. As for products that would help - a really firm ultra-thin speck grabber to go between glass and mat board to grab that last piece of something that is on the picture or mats after you have installed the points.
Originally posted by wally pasbrig:
A device on the Grumble that will keep political posts out of threads that don't call for them or automatically switch them to Warped Moulding.
That's a moderator and we got them!

They work great too BTW, just "report a post" and they kick in!
Originally posted by wally pasbrig:

As for products that would help - a really firm ultra-thin speck grabber to go between glass and mat board to grab that last piece of something that is on the picture or mats after you have installed the points.
That would be handy, great idea Wally! And something to destatic"ize" plexi so that when you clean the top the specks don't "walk" under to the bottom
Today while moving a piece of 40X60 glass I remembered what I want in the shop!!

Those suction cup handles that the window guys use to carry glass!!
Man that would be sweet!

After spending a while organizing my new mat samples (Peterboro, Ranger and Crescent) I would really like them to be pre colour coded and striped on the edges so that they are easier to sort.

Thanks for the cigar tips Jim! I'll check em out! Prolly not gunna get away with being able to smoke anything in her though, hehe... I do have a large Honeywell HEPA filter in my office though. It circulates the air 6 times an hour and does a pretty good job.

Ok, make this!

I don't want to stock 5 billion different mat boards to have some of each color anymore. Make all the matboards white. Putting the mat in something akin to a computerized mat cutter, or even in a multifunction machine, it can use inkjet technology to apply color. Then, at the sales counter, we can have a small pen shaped scanner that we can use to point to a color in the artwork and the exact color will be used, displayed in matting around the artwork on the computer screen for the customer to visualize and later sent over to the mat cutter / painter - no more trying to match up with samples. Hey lady, you want the mat to match your wallpaper or sofa fabric swatch? K... there, done.

Or maybe that's overdoing it.

pair that with the color match computer system at Paint Stores and we could just throw out the design counter!

(BTW wasn't there a Mat printer for sale already? )
What software would you like to see in your shop, o n the CMC, managing materials or whatever?

-- Guy who designs and builds software@Wiz.
Customer Imaging software.

One that could scan a customer as they entered the door and assist them in the decision making process. That could help to envision the final mat layout and color selection so as to best fit their wallet into my pocket.

Preferably in the initial scanning step the software could read the contents of their wallet and either direct them to the design content or the trap door in the floor!

Also be able to empty the trap door drain as it gets too full of the wasted revenue stream.

Seriously a software program that could be "easy" to select a layout pattern. In my past life I used a program for custom making wheel chair seating systems (program was written by OttoBok). After getting the customer's "impression" on a vacuum formed "bean bag" cushion we used a digitizing pen to mark the edges, and the "canyons and valleys" that needed to be incorporated into the seat.

I would think a 2-D digitizing program that may or may not incorporate a digitizing pen would be really awesome.
Digitizing pen would </font>
  • mark the three points on the mat, top lt corner and both bottom corners</font>
  • then mark four corners of photo/print to be matted (marking what is to be revealed not edges!)</font>
  • then select rectangle or oval opening</font>
  • then you could select whether single or double mat, and amount of reveal for second mat</font>
  • then do the same for the other items to mat.</font>
  • at end the software could ask if the user wanted to "justify" the openings to better balance the spacing</font>
I'm only briefly played with mat design software and I remember being frustrated that when I went to move the openings the whole layout got messed up. An easy way to move around openings would be cool!

Just a quick thought, don't tell you already have it!
HHmm...scan the their wallet....ah, not yet but when credit cards become RFIDs (wireless radio), we'll do just that. I wonder if we can draw conclusions by the type and color of their clothes? They'll hate it! Oops. But seriously, I looked you up in our database. I don't think you are a Wizard customer. Sooo....Our MatDesigner software does a lot of the layout as you described. We can send you a free demo. Its very easy to layout multi-openings and multi-layer. Lots of built in "templates" for different opening shapes.

But, I'm interested on your thoughts about the digitizing pen. Are you just trying to visualize it for the customer or design exact measurements? Are you suggesting we scan in the photo? Would you be willing to scan in your moulding for visualization?
Not scan in the photo, I think does something like that.

When I have laid out shadow boxes and multiopening mats for numerous odd sized photoes (like wedding candids) the customer and I will lay them out on top of the matboard in approximate locations of where they want them. Being able to "mark" the spots with the digitizing pen would make the cutting calculations so much easier! The photocopier I use has a system on their photocopier that lets them "mark" the spots of the image to "scan"

Does this make any sense?

The demo would be great! Thanks for the offer!

My address is

10 Storer Street
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Oh yeah, when you send the demo, do you have any of those trimmers designed to use the "used" wizard blades? If you do throw one in!

I really think they'd make a nice trade show give away for your company!

(And have some of teh Hassle-free trimmers at the shows too for CMC-less potential customers!) I don't have a CMC and so am not in your database. The desire is there, and the business is getting there! If I used the design software, could I send the "file" to my distributor to have their CMC-service cut it for me?
Originally posted by elsa:
Today while moving a piece of 40X60 glass I remembered what I want in the shop!!

Those suction cup handles that the window guys use to carry glass!!
Man that would be sweet!

United carries one, it's called the Handi-Grip part number is 4366. Got one it's great
I need a helmet that I can put on to impart my framing knowledge onto someone else from long distance.
Johnny, "Bard" carries all sizes of plate hangers, and hangers for all sizes of bowls, etc.
They have a show room in the Atlanta gift mart. If you can't get hold of them, email me and I will get their number for you. We sell lot of decorative plates and just as many plate hangers.

Tom Reeves
Hutstuff Gift & Gallery
BobD: If I used the design software, could I send the "file" to my distributor to have their CMC-service cut it for me?
So BobD, If you purchase a copy of Wizard MatDesigner - Stand-alone version $79, you can save the mats and put them on a floppy or CD to have someone cut them. (Not really sure if your distributor does that, yet, anyway.) You can even use the "load image" feature to insert a *.jpg picture into your design. This way you can do multi-designs with fancy openings, CutArt, VGrooves and Letters and see it all.
From BobD:
Member # 2422

When I have laid out shadow boxes and multiopening mats for numerous odd sized photoes (like wedding candids) the customer and I will lay them out on top of the matboard in approximate locations of where they want them. Being able to "mark" the spots with the digitizing pen would make the cutting calculations so much easier!
So on this, to use Matdesigner, you just measure the pics (Width & height] and create openings with those measurements. Enter the size of the shadow box surface as the outside of the mat. It takes just a few seconds. You can move the openings around to whatever looks good. Just takes a minute for all that. Then print out the design and it shows dimensions.
Matte mylar is available in sheets. I know because we carry it here. It's like ng glass,shiny on one side and matte on the other. I think we carry .05mil
I sure would like to know what brand it is and where to get it.

JRB don't you mean hazardous waste?

Anyway, no thanks, we got a replacement.