problem with photo backing - mat board


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 25, 2004
Tampa, FL
hope everyone survived the big rush in good form....I need some info, a pre mounted photo(on white "matboard" 1/8" thick and the rear side feels almost waxy). my problem is I need to put this into a sink mat(to allow matting on TOP of the pic) and the print/backer is bowing toward the viewer and just doesnt seem to want to straighten out. I put it into vacuum press for 15min at 125' but this backer is very stought(& weighty) and wants to retain the bow. havent gotten to play with this type of backer board before and anyone's experience with it would make interesting reading...thanks all.
photo is really glued on TIGHT!!!! it isnt coming apart in this century. guess I could peel layers---any suggestion as to how I keep the layers "even" in the process??? I'v done the like, previously, but the results where less than level across the print.
Some boards peel apart easily, others don't. One method which helps is to use a tube or rolling pin to roll the layers around, then the whole width of the board is being pulled up at once, not bit by bit.

I'd ensure the image was replaceable first though
You never mentioned how large the photo is but a .99 cent wooden ruler glued to the backing should hold if the photo isn't too big. Desperate times call for desperate measures. No phun intended. Ruler, measures, get it. Nevermind.
I would opt for counter mounting. Make sure that this is a real Kodak type photo that can withstand dry mounting temps. Some newer print types can't stand the heat. Get as much info as you can from your customer.

Don't practice on customers art.

After thinking about this last night I thought I should add these pearls:

Bowing towards the back is generally caused by the art shrinking as it either cools or gives up moisture.

or... the backing expands (swells) with absorbtion of moisture from the atsmosphere around the piece.

Drying the piece in a heat (or better yet - heat and vacuum) press MAY flatten the peice. To keep it flat - counter mount it with the same or similar adhesive on the back to seal against moisture absorbtion.

Of course you probably wont be able to tell just what adhesive was used so you'll have to do your best and explain the whole deal to your customer.
thank all---will take/try - - one by one!