Problem deleting messages from Outlook


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jul 11, 2001
Wautoma, WI USA
My Microsoft Outlook seems to have developed a glitch and I can no longer delete any messages in my inbox. I keep getting an error message back that says "messaging interface has returned an unkown error". It advises my to restart Outlook, but I have done that numerous times with no success. Meantime, my Inbox is getting clogged up with unwanted messages. How do I get it so I can delete them again? :confused:
Hi Anne,
If you are using any of the windows OS after win98, the easiest way is using system restore.
If you dont know how to do that just shout
You could try using the "Detect and Repair" function on the help menu. Also check for updates on the website. System Restore is next on the list, followed by a full un/reinstall.

I am using Outlook and it continually crashes without warning all of a sudden. The detect and Repair feature does not correct this issue (no new software has been installed either) however and I expect I will have to reinstall when I get the chance. Untill then MS can have all the "Reports" that it wants to send off.

I am definitely looking alternatives to Outlook and would appreciate suggestions of software as capable.
The Help menu for Outlook.

Anne, stupid question, but after shutting down Outlook and restarting it have you, did you reboot your computer?

It shouldn't make a difference, but shut the computer dwn and reboot it and see if Outlook works better.
Anytime I have trouble with a wondiws , Microsoft program I shut the computer off (turning my back to the PC and envisioning the Apple 1984 ad helps!) let it sit for a little while and reboot.

Its like when the mat just doesn't cut properly, or that little fleck of dust gets under the glass AFTER you put on the backing paper, etc. If you walk away from the offending project and come back later it goes together better.

I find Windows reacts the same way, that is irrationally and with no logic. If it isn't going together right, isn't behaving properly, just put it away, walk away and start over with a fresh mindset. Windows may not "fix itself" but your mind will be uncluttered and you'll be better able to solve the problem!
This problem has been going on since last Friday. The computer has been shut off and restarted several times.(We turn all our computers off daily.) I close Outlook everytime I use it, I never leave it running. And since our internet connection is through our regular phoneline, we are only online for short bursts at a time.

I tried "detect and repair" through the Outlook help menu. It said I needed to insert the Microsoft office suite disk but when I did that it kept telling me that the file it was looking for wasn't a valid startup file. Same file name but refused to acknowledge it. Maybe I'll just delete Outlook and reload it.
Re: alternatives to Outlook - I recommend Thunderbird - as far as I'm aware, it has all the features of Outlook, it's well maintained and updated, and it has a better junk filter. It's free, it has no 3rd party piggyback programs, and I've been using it at work for years without a hitch. It's made by the developers at Mozilla, who also make the Firefox web browser, which is generally acknowledged (for the moment) to be a better alternative to Internet Explorer.
Welcome to the Grumble Hajim and thanks for the link. I did some looking around there and I think I might have found the problem. It looks like it is a flaw in the older versions of Outlook that occurs when you try to do certain types of save or forwarding actions.

As far as I know, I didn't do any such actions but there appears to be a fix for it. I'll have to wait to download it till I get more time. It's going to take a while! :eek:
Update- I tried to download what I thought was the fix for this but it wouldn't load. So I spent the last week getting all the regular updates for Windows on my computer. Still didn't fix the problem. I still couldn't delete any messages so I've been having to go to my servers website and access them from there to delete the ones I don't want before downloading them.

Then last night, my husband used my computer to send an enewsletter and suddenly Outlook is able to delete things again! No idea why, it just seems to have spontaneously corrected itself. I just love computers!

Sounds like your computer "loves" your husband more that you. Maybe it's seen you post those little THUDs too many times?

Pat :D
Actually Pat, it hates my husband. I cringe every time he uses it because that is usually when something will go wrong with it. He doesn't have the patience or logic it takes to work well with computers. He tends to get frustrated when they don't do what he thinks they should when he thinks they should. Then, instead of walking away and letting the computer do it's thing, he'll click on things he shouldn't.

He has 2 other computers he works on daily. They both have "issues" that I haven't been able to resolve. I sometimes think with 5 computers in our shop, I need to get a degree in computer repairs just to keep up with them. :rolleyes: