Jim-We use ver 7.6 Fullcalc and while I appreciate your idea, would you pls email me directly with the how to. Presently, in the master pricing schedule for option 4, updating moulding, I have the first column for part or stock number, the second column for source, 3rd is width, 4th is code for Larson simplified pricing, 5th is bin location(we use that for description;a lot more useful for us) and 6th is price.Is that the same for you? The 6th column is where we insert our retail price and then we use our multiplier times 1. What I don't understand from any software program that we've reviewed is why not a 7th column, or drop that 5th column for another price column. One column would be for what you really pay, on an item by item basis, and the next column would be for what you sell that item for. Then when you printed reports, it could divide those two columns to give a true and accurate reflection of what you actually make on the product. I've never understood why that's not important on this very important, but under utilized tool. I think it's just plain lazy to say "well, as long as it fits into this parameter, the price is okay". Can you imagine any business operating that way. Trust me, they don't.My frustration is that in an era when everyone acknowledges the need to become better at the business side of the business, we overlook the most basic components of understanding the business. If we, as an industry, are to become more effective business people, we need the tools to do so. But I really think maybe the first step is to acknowledge that the tools readily available are inadequate. Those tools also include the most essential in our arsenal, and that's the one between our ears. I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to get theschooling and mentoring to help me understand these basic concepts. The trade has to help the rest of you that haven't. Expecting less will always deliver less. But we don't need the sophomoric responses delivered as wisdom that we too often see. Growth comes in a lot of forms, personal should be a high priority for all of us.