Press Problem


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jan 1, 1997
Fort Worth, Texas
The bottom piece of glass that goes next to the release paper broke today! It's a 40 x 60 Hot Press. The worker turned it on and there was a loud pop and the glass shattered in about a million pieces.

Has anybody had this problem or any clues as to what made it happen? There was nothing in the press at the time.
Jo- so sorry to hear about your mounting press...from the title of the thread I thought it was going to be Pres. Bush complaining about Helen Thomas's questions at his press conference on Monday.

Did the shattering occur right away when the press was switched on, or as it heated up? Hope no one was hurt. Sounds like it might be expen$ive to fix. :eek:
Originally posted by Rick Granick:
Jo- so sorry to hear about your mounting press...from the title of the thread I thought it was going to be Pres. Bush complaining about Helen Thomas's questions at his press conference on Monday.
LOL, that was some fiery exchange there!!

What brand is this heat press?

See if there was an issue with this happening elsewhere (maybe a Google search), in case there is a defect or something so that the manufacturer might replace it.
I wish we could put this one on Warped, Rick. Yes, it happened when it the press was first started up. No, no one was hurt, or even close to being hurt.

It is about 10 years old, and the brand is Hot Press, which is now owned by Drytac. We do have a call in to them, but they have to talk to someone in England, so it will prob be tomorrow before we hear anything.

I just wondered if I could glean any useful info here.