Presentation Boards/design boards

are you talking about magnetic or something else? What is the main purpose?

We would like to have some type of presentation to show our customers what the finished work will look like. Sometimes we use easels for canvas work, but would like something to show other types...besides using the floor! All or any ideas will be helpful.

Creative Framing
482 Depot St.
Franklin, NC 28734
I saw a very innovative ideas in the Picture Framing Magazine. An angled mirror was used which totally changed the perspective of the consultation.

Another idea I've seen is using a self gripping rail for the artwork - the artworks top edge slips into this rail. This in turn is hang over a neutral colour wall or you could even use fabric backdrops which mean you can change them to suit.

Also seen pinboards but over time these looked a bit thrashed and untidy.
On my website, under framing papers, click on art design, I have an illustration of a vertical design system provided by Tim Dykstra. You can download it and make it yourself. Mine used to be at the end of my design table in one location, in another it covered the storage area for customer art and I would swing it out on a piano hinge when I wanted to use it.

I travel a lot to other shops because I'm an industry educator and in one shop in New Mexico, they had one type they built on rollers. It had drawers on the bottom and storage between the two board arranged on a slant. It could be used on both sides, easily

Putting the art on a vertical surface and then stepping back, gives you and the customer a fresh view and the art will look more like it will hanging on a wall. The correct design shows much better.

It's also a sales tool because you can pick out the mat and frame choices, find two that work well then ask for the sale by moving it from the design table to the decision board.

Whatever you come up with, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.
The one Nona has on her site is similar to what I am planning, except I am going to frame a piece of sheetmetal covered with vynal and frame it and have it displayed on easels for flexibility in our space; this utilizes the magnets and creates the angled aspect without a lot of construction. I'll let you know if it works!!
