Preparing for the CPF Exam


Dec 21, 2004
Pickens, SC
I am interested in taking the CPF exam. Please provide suggestions on how to best prepare for the exam. Are there study Guides? If so where are they found? When are the exams given and where? Any other helpful info. regarding CPF would be greatly appreciated!
A study guide and a reading list can be found on the PPFA web site. Read what they tell you. The questions come riught out of the material they recommend.

Bring a calculator. I didn't think I needed one, and I guess I didn't, because I passed. But, it would have been much better to use one.
Check the Grumble archives for plenty of threads on PPFA and the CPF program.

Cliff's right. PPFA has a Study Guide that leads you to everything you need to know. Check with PPFA or your nearest chapter for dates & places.

One caution: Don't take the exam without studying everything in the Guide. A lot of veteran framers take the exam without studying, thinking their years of shop experience will carry them through. But that is generally incorrect.

The CPF exam is heavy on preservation framing, and most self-taught framers don't get enough of that knowledge unless they really work at it. So if you really work at it, and you should be OK.
Wolfeman, I just took the test in September, I found that looking at the study guide PPFA provided and reading all of the material related with those questions helped out very much... Also if you go to PPFA meetings regularly, you might want to ask any CPF's you know what they thought was hard on the test and study that. I personally felt that the questions were worded tricky and I was glad I got familiar with the questions on the study guide. Our Chapter (St. Louis) also has a lending library with all the books you need, I think all the chapters do. You just have to contact the president of your chapter. Also what really helped me is that my boss let me read all the recertification stuff she had. There was a lot of stuff on the test from that material. That's all I can think of. Good luck, you can do it!