PPFA Ohio meeting/ print competition Oct 18th Vivian Kistler, Mark Klostermeyer


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 7, 2001
Subject: FW: PPFA Ohio Chapter Mtg

Monday Oct 18th
McKay Bricker Gallery
609 N.Mantua St
Kent, OH 44240

PPFA Ohio's Framing Competition Show and Social
Social hour begins at 6:30 with refreshments and snacks provided.
Ribbons will be awarded for the Ohio competition.

Speaker Mark Klostermeyer, MCPF will speak on winning competitions. He
brings a wealth of experience and knowledge from his shop, Design Frames
in Falls Church VA. He is also treasurer of our National PPFA.

Vivian Kistler, CPF, GCF will demonstrate deacidification
and encapsulation of paper art.

Free for all members and guests of any chapter.
Need a map? Email me Vivian@columbapublishing.com or call 800-999-7491.
I can email or fax one to you.

Visit our website@ http://www.fineart-services.com
By the way I am submiting a print into the competition. It will be an example of either what not to do to a really nice print or it will be a winner. Come see it. Hope to see you all there.

Ps. If you have not been to the Mary Bricker Gallery and one of thier events you won't want to miss this, you have gotta come.
Took a break for lunch just finished the mat for my frogs. Hummm interesting to say the least.
This is harder than I thought the frogs keep jumping around!
How do you get blood off a suede mat? Who ever heard of blue frogs anyway?
Up to to top. Anyone from Canton need a ride to the meeting?
Well my frogs are done and resting.

Traffic on grumble seems to be down.

Hope to see everyone there to night.

Three sentences in a row with exactly 7 words each. Lucky sevens!

Where is that slot machine at anyway?
Okay to all the Ohio framers or wanta be's.

Espeacially if you have never been to a meeting before. By the way this meeting is open to all framers not just PPFA memebers.

It is cold , rainy, soon to be dark.
I offer you a warm, dry well lite destination.

Did I mention free food and drink? Oh Yaaa!

I just met Mark He is a very Nice person, Down to earth, He even had a sport coat on.

Looking forward to the meeting yet?

Well come on it does not start till 6:30 (probably a little later usually goes a bout 2 hours) Go to mapquest get the directions or call Bob he will tell you how to get there it is only a few minutes off of US route 76 in Kent.

Hey if you don't come I will eat all the food and drink all the drinks myself! ugh!

Hope to see you there.
Well I was right fine example of how not to frame the D*** blue and purple frogs. Oh well it was fun.Congratulations to all the ones who won.
I forgot to tell everyone what a very good program that was given by Vivian Kistler on the deacidfication and encapsulation, along with the The information given by Mark Klostermeyer it was excellent.
Did I mention the tour of the Mary Bricker Gallery was reaally great Thank you Bob Mayfield and Cassie It was nice of them to host the event.
Did I mention the food , the wine , the beer , the soda, the cheese, the meat, Oh ya and the members who showed up Fantastic good seeing everyone.