PPFA fees


BTW: That kind of question is called a "Drive-by".

No information to quote by: "How much would it cost to frame my poster?"

They're the kinds of questions that "Dialing Dolts" ask. "Can you frame my picasso real cheap?", "Are you the cheapest in town?"

Answers are: "Sure, we can throw some crap around it make it even look cheaper." :D

"No, my brothers 19 yr old works the corner at 4th and main and she's real cheap."

Sorry, just noticed that you posted this question on the Grumble not Warped.

Maybe contacting the PPFA directly would be the ticket for an accurate quote on dues.

They also offer a $25 trial membership special that expires in 9/2005. (new members only)

Like yellow pages and electric, it's a necessity.