Hi Leigh Ann
Basically, it's a free module for LifeSaver that lets you accept credit cards directly from the ticket, payment, or quicksale screens. You just swipe the card, and within 1-2 seconds youll have an approval code. It uses special software to safely encrypt the data and route it through your existing internet connection, which is why it's so fast. (you can retire or sell your old equipment)
When a client comes in to make their final payment, you have the option of just scanning their card - and it will automatically call them up in the payment screen. (shortcut)
At the end of the day, it settles the batch automatically, as part of the Lifesaver closing process - and gives you a report.
There's a better description in the tips & tricks thread, or an even better one on the web at
I believe we were the first or second shop to go live, back at the start of January. The rates and technical assistance from them (the bank) have been great, and they provided the card swiper device (USB) and the encryption/processing software module (MONETRA) at no charge. We have had zero problems.
If you go this route, you may want to consider the high speed thermal receipt printer, which produces receipts more common to retail, and maybe even a cash drawer. Many companies sell those, but POSWORLD.COM is a very good source and theyre familiar with LS. See the tips thread for details.
Best regards