Posting pictures on the Grumble revisited

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
This post is to explain what I consider to be the easiest way to post pictures on the Grumble.

I have opened an account that we can all upload to if you don’t have a way to host pictures. It has plenty of storage. It will work on the honor system and if anybody uploads anything to questionable in nature, Photobucket will shut down the account and all the pictures will be lost. So please feel free to use this account all you want but don’t be stupid.

Step one:

Go to

Enter username “grumblegrumble”
Password is “moulding”

Step two:

The next page that comes up is the page where you up load your picture.

1. Click the browse button and navigate to the picture you want to upload.
2. Click Submit


Step three

When the page reloads, you will see your picture at the bottom. Go to your picture and highlight everything in the “IMG” screen. It will look like this (IMG][/IMG]

Right click that and select copy.


Then go to the grumble thread you want to show the picture and paste that line.

That’s is. Three easy steps and if it takes longer than a minute or so, you’re doing something wrong.

I have hosted the images for this thread in this account so if you don’t see images here then the account has either been closed or somebody deleted the images.
Thanks Jay!

You mean like this??

WOW!! Apparently I got it!! Many, many thanks for that!!

Arches at sunset, Spring 2004.
It wouldn't work at first until I realized the file size was about 45mg and needed serious downsizing. Once I downsized it to about 205kb it worked fine.
So now I can post pictures of cute kitties as well!!
Yep, I think it has a limit of 25 megs total but thats a slew of pics as long as they aren't 3000 ppi resolution.
It's even EASIER if you download and install the upload utility from the Photobucket site.

With it, you open up Windows Explorer or My Computer and go to the flolder that holds your pictures. With Windows XP, and probably with ME, you can view thumbnails of the photos in the folder.

Chose the one you want, right click on it and select "Send To Photobucket" and it will walk you through the rest.

I still have an MSN Communities account and it is incredibly complex compared to Photobucket (which the Digital Diva told me about.)
does this now mean we can swap funny doggy pics? Pics of the shop? Pics of US? O boy O joy.

Who's gonna start a thread of funny doggy pics?
Framah: I know darned good and well that ain't Ellsworth. Been there way too often and I nvever saw THAT there!!!
Cute dog! Good example of a photo that should be CROPPED!

Crop, crop, crop - people! Most times you don't even have to worry about these huge sizes when your image is cropped!

Cropping is the VERY first thing I do when I unload pix from my camera into my photo program. Makes pix look better and saves on storage!

I have a small screen - do not make me use the horizontal scroll bar - bad enough to view photos but nearly impossible to read text!

So, Mike - what is doggie's name??? He is a real sweetie!
sorry--somewht stupid in the world of photography combined with computers.

He's Ingo, a 75 lb golden/lab mix and is son's Canine Companion, son is in wheelchair and dog goes almost everywhere with him. As I said, he loves hats and have many pictures of him in various hats during our recent seven day stay in Disneyworld.
I'd love to see Ingo's hat photos- but you better start a "critters with hats" thread over on Warped...

You can probably find out about cropping photos in whatever photo program came with your camera. That's all I use - Kodak EasyShare (Ultra Simple PhotoEditing for Simpletons) - I do have other photo software but I save that for serious fixing and stuff.

Not calling YOU a simpleton - calling ME a simpleton! Remember, baby steps...
Mike... that's one serious party dog you got there!! How does he look with a lampshade on his head?

About the photo...

We had a dry summer up here and I forgot to water the lawn?
I use Photoshop Elements for most photo editing, but almost any will work.

Elements has an option called "Save for Web." I resize the photo to no more than 400x600 pixels and 72 DPI and it's ready for Photobucket.
Like This?



(All carving done by hand!)
Mike - Is that the good book on the counter?
HB, Great project! You hsould have entered that in the Grumble framing competition. There is always next year!

Mike, the dog is a doll. Please post the rest of the pics........

Jay, Please include a part two of your tutorial and show how to downsize the images. These pages with the huge images take forever for us dial up users to load. I think MSN must automatically size the pictures, none of mine have ever come out huge. I tried Photo Bucket a few months ago and the same images came out huge. I couldn't figure out how to resize them.

By Jove, I think I've got it!
Great job HB! You oughta post that on the (rarely used) design forum. Hope the flames win a game this season(Sorry) Go Wild!
Terry - we're only 1 game in ... I'll get you back! Actually the Canucks are my team anyway.
HB--not it isn't the bible. We're Episcopal, or I suppose Anglican ifyou're of that persuasion--and it's the Book of Common Prayer combined with the bible. Suprised you saw that instead of the laundry tub by the island. Didn't know all that stuff was there. The real bible is the Barbeuce Bible which you see in the bookshelf on the island Use that a LOT

kathy: as soon as I can figure out how to crop that stuff will send party hat picures. In all honesty, though, the dog has over 35 commands both verbal and hand signals. A couple of the commands requires him to be motionless. SOOOO I don't know if he really LIKES the hats or if while he's under one of his commands he just tolerates them.

Party on. Will create a separate thread later.

Have you seen the Sports Illustrated NHL predictions - they put Calgary at #1. Can't say I agree, but just thought I would mention it.

Terry asks: How did you cut the "C"?
The Flaming C was cut with an Altos cutter by hand - all by following a pencil line traced around the first fallout (all 3 layers) - was a pain - but I sold it!!!
And they probably had the Wild at aboot 16th, and by the end of the season they'll probably be close to right so I thought I'd gloat while i can.
Great job cutting the flamin' "C". Hand cutting is obviously not a lost art in your shop but then I guess you had a lot of time to practice last winter.
I'm going to try my hand at this.
Still doing something wrong. But I seem to be getting closer.I already have an account on Photobucket, and managed somehow to create an album. I don't understand how to paste the IMG line, though.

Each photo in your photobucket album will have three lines of code below it. Highlight the bottom line of code (usually by just clicking on it) and press CTRL-C or right-click with your mouse and select COPY from the pop-up menu that appears. Either will copy the image WITH THE UBB CODES to your clipboard.

Then, in the Grumble post where you want the photo to appear, press CTRL-V or right-click with your mouse and choose PASTE from the pop up menu.

Don't use the INSTANT UBB CODE feature in The Grumble because the UBB codes will already be there.

I'm making it sound harder than it really is.
Ron: MUCHthanx for the clarification. I too was confused onhow to do this. Will try again. Now all I gotta figure outis how to shrink the thing so it doesn't take up tons of internet "space"--

O and regarding your little "tag line" a 60 pound dog can hunt bears because dogs are smarter than bears? Just a guess.
Most photo editing software - I use Photoshop Elements - will have an editing utility that says something like "Save for the Web."

A good rule-of-thumb for resizing photos for posting to the web, or for emailing them, is 60-72 dpi and no bigger than 400x600 pixels.

I think you have the UBS codes wrong… have [/img]link to photobucket[/img] …….it should be
…………….no forward / slash on the first bit…..
Dermot, you can kwikly see what code someone used by hitting the kwote (spelled wrong on the Grumble though) button. Pamela did have the correct code just and incorrect link and a couple of extra end tags.

Let's see if this works. It looks big on the preview, but right now, I don't care if it is.
Buffy's favorite watering hole, our kitchen sink. Now I have to figure out how to reduce photo's size. One thing at a time.
any way the top portion(the "how to") can be installed on TIPS or here "permanently" ????? that way we'll always have a ready reference!!!!
Good idea. Bill.

Since so many are now using Photobucket, I'll post a step-by-step and feature it here so it stays on the tops.
I'm a super newbie trying this for the first time. Hope it works. If it does, here's Sammy:

Oops, sorry...I just don't have the mind for this kind of techie stuff. Can't quite wrap my brains around it.