Posting PICTURE questions ,for TFG and Computers in General


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Nov 23, 1997
Mandeville, LA USA
I mIstakenly posted this in the business segment and have alreay received some good information. However I meant to post it here ,espceally since some of my questions are about how to use a computer more than how to post Pictures on TFG. But I must confess I need help both places and I need to sleep more so I don't mispost topics like this.LOL
I am always trying to find ways to show pictures on TFG. Not really frequently but by various methods. The best results I have had was the Gallery that my daughter arranged to which pictures could be added. I must admit I am not completely sure of how to make the transfer ,but I am sure I can learn.

The biggest problem is the actual takeing of the pictures. I have a conventional cammera and I have a web-cam at home as well as a flatbed scanner. All of which will make images ( of different degrees and quality) but I don;t know how to attch any of their images once I have the images ( useing the web cam for stills is s bit newer to me but i ma beginning to learn) .

I recently read Tom's comment ,"I don't have a scanner that works on XP so I can't show you a photo" which was intrigueing to ma since I do know how to use the scanner but I don't know how to attach the scanned image on to TFG.I also am trying to learn how to use the web-cam to take individual stills but once agin I don't know what to do to transpose the image to TFG.

Can anyone make suggestions that don't require buying any more equipment?I am sure the Computer Gurus out there think tis is simple can someone enlighten me ( how to transfer a scanned pic. to TFG and/or how to use a web-cam to do the same,I mean the PC steps not the mechanical proceedures)?LOL
Buddy, most web cams take awful pictures. Whichever way you capture a picture on your computer it will create a file (eg. mygreatestframeyet.jpg). Note where the picture is saved, often in the Windows World it will be in My Documents/My Pictures/...... . That is the file that you want to post to your "gallery" and then link to on the grumble. This is a start, I am sure others will fill in the spaces.
Buddy - it took me a LONG time to realize that I had to purchase a digital camera - but since I did (last June) I have taken over two thousand pictures (and saved over half of them!). I bought the cheapest one I could find, a Kodak EasyShare 2 mega pixel, for way less than $200 US and they are even cheaper now. For posting pix on the web and even for printing as large as 8x10 - these cheap cameras are superb!

Go buy one right now!
Buddy, Once you have save a JPEG to your hard-drive some where, you can go to that Gallery that your daughter set up. there it will ask you what you want to post and have a "Brouse" button.

Click on the brouse button and go to the picture you have saved. then click the "post" or "submit" button. That should "Post" your picture to the host on the internet. From there you can "Right" click on the image on the internet gallery, and a dialog box will come up.

Go down to "Properties" and left click on it. There will be a lot of information. Somewhere in the middle of all that, is a "URL" saying where the image is posted; highlight all that and right click and copy.

Now go to the G, and in a new posting or a "Full Reply Form" there will be a button for image.

Click on that and a box will come up that has the word http/ highlighted IGNORE it and RIGHT click on that space and Paste your URL. That will place your image into your missive.

If this wasn't clear enough... ask Mike. :D