posting photos


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 11, 2003
new england
Does anyone know of the ideal place to store photos on the web so they will work here on the grumble? Yahoo and MSN both seem to have the same problems and or web site is still in the planning stages. Lance helped me with my last post but I cannot count on the kindness of strangers forever.
I use MSN Communities, but it is a needlessly complex process.

My daughter, The Digital Diva, uses PhotoBucket and recommends it heartily.

She is smarter than I am, but not as patient so it's probably a good recommendation.
I place them on one of my servers, either on my web site (rarely) or, on Earthlink – my day to day foolin’ around and e-mail server.

Whatever server you’ve subscribed to, there may be some space allocated to your account e.g. 5 megs of storage. You can upload them there, then create a link on the Grumble to the pic.

but, please, please keep the image sizes to 72 ppi and no larger than about 5 x 7. It just slows down loading and make the Grumble pages go funny looking.
This is an experiment. I'm trying to learn how to post photos, so bear with me.
send photos to jsp
It didn't work. What am I doing wrong? I have the photos uploaded on amazon Kodak picture gallery. I copied what I thought was the link in the space provided on the full reply form under "image".

I've spent too much time on this, I feel really stupid, but I am determined to get it!
Pamela, did you right click on the image and open the properties box?

Then right click on the address that is there and copy it.
That is the address you need.

I figured it out. I know you can do it!
I used a free site yesterday & was about to share it with you. Then I read their terms of service. Not good. They say that they can publish your image, manipulate it, etc. Anyway, I knew it was too easy to be true! So I just set up a Photobucket account. Super Simple!