Getting your photo from your group to The Grumble.
Go to your MSN group, either from your saved bookmark or as described in part three.
To access your picture(s), you can click on Pictures in the left-hand menu. You'll find other shortcuts if you explore the main "What's New Page" of your group.
If you've created multiple albums, click on the album that has the photo you want. It's simpler in the beginning to just store all your photos in the default album.
Click on the thumbnail for the photo you want to post.
Right-click on the full-sized image that appears. On the menu that pops up, click on "Properties" (at the bottom.)
Another window will pop up. In the line called "address (URL)" double-click on the (very long) address to highlight the entire address.
Push ctrl-C to copy the address into your clipboard. Remember, the windows clipboard can only store on thing at-a-time, so you you want to save more than you address, you should paste each one into the windows notepad.
Close the properties window, exit your group and open The Grumble.
Start a new topic, or open a reply window as usual.
Under "Instant UBB Code," click on "Image."
In the "script prompt" that pops up, paste the image URL address by pushing ctrl-V. Delete any text that appears in the address after the .jpg. This may look something like "?dc=4675409425791796386." I don't know where this comes from, but it's not part of the image URL and you photo won't appear if you leave it in there.
Click OK. Add any necessary text to you post, check th Preview and click Submit, as usual.
That's it. Lots of steps, but it works and it's free. Try it and ask questions as needed. Have fun.
If you get the dreaded red X, either in the preview window, don't assume you screwed up. Try right-clicking on the red-x and choosing "show photo." If it still doesn't appear, check your URL address and make sure there's nothing after the .jpg
Go to your MSN group, either from your saved bookmark or as described in part three.
To access your picture(s), you can click on Pictures in the left-hand menu. You'll find other shortcuts if you explore the main "What's New Page" of your group.
If you've created multiple albums, click on the album that has the photo you want. It's simpler in the beginning to just store all your photos in the default album.
Click on the thumbnail for the photo you want to post.
Right-click on the full-sized image that appears. On the menu that pops up, click on "Properties" (at the bottom.)
Another window will pop up. In the line called "address (URL)" double-click on the (very long) address to highlight the entire address.
Push ctrl-C to copy the address into your clipboard. Remember, the windows clipboard can only store on thing at-a-time, so you you want to save more than you address, you should paste each one into the windows notepad.
Close the properties window, exit your group and open The Grumble.
Start a new topic, or open a reply window as usual.
Under "Instant UBB Code," click on "Image."
In the "script prompt" that pops up, paste the image URL address by pushing ctrl-V. Delete any text that appears in the address after the .jpg. This may look something like "?dc=4675409425791796386." I don't know where this comes from, but it's not part of the image URL and you photo won't appear if you leave it in there.
Click OK. Add any necessary text to you post, check th Preview and click Submit, as usual.
That's it. Lots of steps, but it works and it's free. Try it and ask questions as needed. Have fun.
If you get the dreaded red X, either in the preview window, don't assume you screwed up. Try right-clicking on the red-x and choosing "show photo." If it still doesn't appear, check your URL address and make sure there's nothing after the .jpg