Posting Photos to The Grumble - Part 2

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
Preparing your photo for posting
These instructions are for Adobe PhotoDeluxe, but will probably not be that different for other image editors.

To begin with, you'll need to have the image stored on your hard drive, on a floppy or on a CD. Make sure you know where it is. If you're going to scan a photo, you can do that from within the software.

Open the software and then the image you wish to edit.

Do any cropping and color/contrast corrections you wish to make, according to the directions with the software.

Adjust the resolution and size of the image. In PhotoDeluxe, you do both from within the "size" pull-down menu. (You must have advanced menu turned on.)

For web-posting or email, a reasonable size is about 400 pixels (about 4 inches) for the larger dimension and 72 pixels/inch for the resolution. Images which are much larger or higher resolution will be very slow to load and may not fit on the screen, forcing viewers to scroll horizontally to view it.

Save the edited image in a jpg format. MSN Groups will also accept gif files. In PhotoDeluxe, you use the export command for this. Save the image in a location you can locate for the next step:

Part 3: Uploading the image to your MSN Group.

[ 02-12-2003, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: Ron_Eggers ]
BTW, these specs - 400 pixels wide and 72 pixels/inch - are the same ones you'd use to email a photo or graphic. It will look great on the monitor and will load quickly, but don't try to print it.

Nearly any graphics program will allow you to resize and change the resolution of a photo. You could use PhotoShop, but that would be overkill.