Posting Photos from a Mac?

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
While there are probably more similarities than differences in posting photos from a Mac vs. a PC, I got a note from a distressed Grumbler with a Mac. I am at a loss, since I have never touched a Mac.

On a PC, at least with MS Internet Explorer, you can right-click on a web image to open a properties window that will have the URL address for the image. This is the URL you need to paste into a Grumble post to show an image.

Does anyone know the easiest way to access the URL of a web image on a Mac? Or is it entirely dependant on the browser being used? I don't even know what browser is typically used on a Mac. Netscape? (I'm guessing it's not MS Internet Explorer.)

[ 03-17-2003, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: Ron_Eggers ]
Well, I don't know nuttin' 'bout dem dere Macs either, but I can tell you a little about Netscape, if that's what's normally used. Yes, you have the same option of right-clicking and selecting "Properties". Even more helpful is the "Copy Image Location" option on the same menu.

If there is no right-click contextual menu option, try (on the regular menu) View > Page Source. That will be a little harder to use, but a savvy person (such as yourself) should be able to find it that way.
I be usin' a Mac … and proud of it!

It is browser dependent. All one needs to do in either Netscape or IE is to click and hold the cursor on the image. A contextual menu will pop-up. At that point you can choose to save the image, copy it, or copy the URL - and a couple of other things, too.
It sounds so clear and simple when you say it in Mac terms, Bill. I'm not trying to be offensive to PC users. It 's just that they are so complicated compared to Mac....too many steps.

Bill what version of Netscape are you using? You can email me privately if you like.
Bill what version of Netscape are you using?
I use both Netscape 4.7 and Internet Explorer 4 point something. I deliberately keep older versions of both browers so that I can check to see how my web site behaves with these coal burning "antiques".

As a Mac addict, as much as it pains me to say it, Microsoft's Explorer seems to work better in the Grumble than does Netscape.

I have no experience with it, but from what I have heard, stay away from NN 6.
Bill, If you mean NS6, it won't work with my OS8.6. I'm using NS4.7 too. I downloaded 7.0 but it stinks, I dumped it. Word on the Mac discussion forum is that NS is going down the tubes since AOL bought it. I don't have a problem with NS4.7 on the Grumble. My PowerMac is fairly ancient, ok, real ancient...1998. I love it though. I recently downloaded Mozilla to use as an alternate browser, not for mail, it doesn't do mail as well as NS. It does open certain sites that NS won't open.

It's good to talk to another Mac user. There are 4 or 5 of us here.

Netscape has been losing its market share for years to the 600 pound gorilla, MS Internet Explorer.

I do not know exactly why AOL bought Netscape since the kernal of its browser is (or at least used to be) written by Explorer. The AOL and IE browsers behave almost identically - from a web developers standpoint, at least.

My unsolicited suggestion would be to stick with what works for you. I'm running System 9.2, mainly, and it is much more stable than 8.6 (which my wife is still using on her IMac). I've got OS 10.2.4 installed, too, but it is so buggy that I'm constantly loosing my preferences files. Incredibly frustrating!
I am a Mac user also. It is so much easier to use than the PC. I have two PCs also ( what a pain to figure out!).
I use Netscape 7 I also saved Communicator 4.7 as I use it to build our website.
Netscape 7 is better than NS6. I am using 9.2 OS.
Question...I have OS 10 loaded but don't use it as it does not work with our DSL service. Can I just dump it?
I have OS 10 loaded but don't use it as it does not work with our DSL service. Can I just dump it?
Yes. I would suggest only trashing the System and the library folders, though. Other folders, like Documents, may contain files you're using for OS 9.
I'm the one who quizzed Ron about posting pictures. Thanks for starting this thread, Ron.

I have an iMac and I think it's great. We just took it in for a cleaning and upgrade. It needed it. We're lucky to have a licensed Mac service place in town. The guy who owns the shop seems to know it all. We got OS X and a RAM upgrade (256 meg). We now have AOL 10.2.1. He fixed our Canon printer, too. The total job cost a little over a $300. It was money well spent. I can actually click on the Graemlins and they work now. Simple pleasures.

We've had the computer for about three years. When he opened it up, it was so dusty...I'm talking a city of dust bunnies.

He did recommend we get a processor upgrade for an additional $300. We might save up and do that later.