Please read the UBB CODES page at http://www.thegrumble.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=ubb_code_page . You will need to place your images on your ISP's web server. Most ISP's will give you 2 - 10 megs of space for free, all that is required is to ask for it. I will now attempt to show a test image.
This is my second attempt at doing this.
This message and all graphics are copyrighted 1998 by William McKay and The Picture Framers Grumble.
No reproductions without consent.
<center>[This message has been edited.]</center>
[ 02-26-2004, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]

This is my second attempt at doing this.
This message and all graphics are copyrighted 1998 by William McKay and The Picture Framers Grumble.
No reproductions without consent.
<center>[This message has been edited.]</center>
[ 02-26-2004, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]