Posting events on the calendar


Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Please leave me or any moderator a PM with details and we can post it on the calendar for you.


Yet another reason why every day should Be Nice to Moderators Day.

Less could find out that March 27 is the second anniversary of the day he graduated from diapers to Big Boy Pull-ups (though it would be a shame to think that anyone would abuse this cool new toy that Framer has given us.)
Ron, how about April 1, as moderator appreciation day?

Kinda like a roast in fun?

Where is the Calendar?

Hey........I graduated from "Grumbler in Training" to "Grumbler" ...jeez I learn fast! So anyways, How do those headings work?

That is very cool.

But, ouch, on my "day" - it's an eye-opener to see the actual number... now I can't lie about it!!

You can change the year of your birth to any year you want. That date is in your profile.

I popped in some upcoming events. (trade shows, etc)
Originally posted by Rozmataz:
That is very cool.

But, ouch, on my "day" - it's an eye-opener to see the actual number... now I can't lie about it!!

Uh oh, mean there's a chance that everyone's gonna find out that I am really an 81 year old retired school crossing guard??

Oh man, talk about havin' your cover blown!! :cool:

Framerguy, FKA, "Schoolcrossingflagholderguy"
Wow! I got so shook up that I double posted!!

Haven't done THAT since Grumble puberty!

Interesting…….my birthday did not pull in :D ….not that I mind at this stage in my life
….”.birthdays I would be thinking”…. I will leave to others from now on…..
It won't display your birthday unless you have "Allow others to see my birthdate" checked. This setting is in the EDIT PROFILE screen.

According to the Calendar for my b-day: "Lance E was born on this day 2 years ago."

I think I'll believe it...
No way Dermot!! My birthday isn't on there either, but I'm going for it!!

Framer....please add mine to December 13.

And make sure Dermot comes through as well! What's more fun than aging together??!!??