I met with a website developer this morning, and I was asking questions about using my own site with Liebermans data, versus utilizing Liebermans site templates, hosting package, etc.

I mentioned what I had seen about, and his first question was "why don't you just become an affiliate and not spend the money on a separate site" I said "good question"
He got his start in the "affiliate" business, so I asked him about percentages, etc. and he said that 25-30% was high for an affiliate program. Most pay around 8% or less. He also mentioned that there are ways to set up a site so that there is a direct link clicked so you get credit, becaue there is criteria that determines if credit is given.

Now, I haven't thought about this much, but, I would like to pose it to you guys out there...what do you think?? What are the pros & cons, etc. Off the top of my head, I could spew a few things, but I am in my research phase, and am curious as to what you all think.


I've inquired about their affiliate program.

1) You can send customers to their website from yours and if those customers order from you get 25% of that order (seems a little high to me???)


2) you can sign up as a "recommended framer" and when the customer checks out they can either have the posters sent to them or straight to their framer (i.e. you if you've signed up).

Sounds like a win-win situation. Their prices (retail) are much better than Liebermans.

Any other comments?!!!!!!!!!!

I'm curious if anyone has signed up with them.
Posted awhile back that I was looking for travel posters for an agency. No one had any ideas sowent here and orderred a couple dozen. Order took about 5 days to completion, no sweat, no hassle. Only problem was they won't sell wholesale to retailers but that's OK. Have a satisfied customer and i get a coupla dozen things to frame at normal markup
So has anyone signed up for the affiliate program? Does the banner ad work with your existing website? Are you seeing any additional traffic from the program? Anyone care to share their website info for review?
Don't know about the affiliate program, but the problem with the ‘recommended framer’ program is pretty simple: You are giving them a hot link from your site to theirs, but not getting one in return (their site only allows the cust to ship to you, but no link to your site exists), thus you are sending bots their way and helping them establish a web presence without the return traffic. Unless you are getting at least a couple of good, profitable orders per month from them, you are simply helping them establish a web presence and getting little or nothing in return. We did establish a link to their site, but now that I've realized that we get no return link, I am getting ready to disable their link until I see some money coming in.
I signed up for an affiliate program with They do not offer framing as some others do. 25% commision and you can also order wholesale We have a link from our website which is pretty new. We did a mailing introducing website to our clients, and telling them to check out our new web specials order prints through our link and recieve 20% off of a custom frame job or ready-made poster. We also have it on a customer computer station on the floor. So they can browse here or we can help them browse. So far 4 people came in an had us order the prints for them they had seen on the link, nice cause we got wholesale prices. One of those clients bought 4 readymades with 20% off, and it has generated 3 custom jobs. One other orderd on line and came in to frame with coupon.I was tired of seeing those tubes come in from other places would rather get 25% than 0. We promote it to all who look at posters, give em a card with website and pull it up on the computer to show them. Our mailing was only 650 people, our hits on website went from 0 in one month to 65. All and All I am happy with though they could get navigation a little better. Hope this helps
I signed on as an affiliate last week. I'll give it a month or so to see if it generates any revenue. I also put a link to the Lieberman's page so my customers can look for posters on their own computers and, hopefully, pass the orders on to me. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens.