Poster "specials"


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Mar 24, 2005
Rowley, MA 01969
Post Road Framers
I have been told that many frame shops run "specials" on poster framing -- ANY POSTER UP TO 36 * 24, $69!!"

Am I right in assuming that to make this work OEM metal or wood length is used, choices are limited, there is no matting, and regular glass is used? What about dry mounting?

Please write with your experiences with this. What materials did you use? How did you advertise? What were the results.

Thanks to all ok you.
Originally posted by Kkastorf:
I have been told that many frame shops run "specials" on poster framing -- ANY POSTER UP TO 36 * 24, $69!!"
Last time I checked, the local "butcher shop" was priced at about $35 ... that's $35 Canadian (about $28 US).
Whoa. You're both high. Local here is $24.

Polystirene with a .0125 facing... (laminate)
and mounted on X-board.

Or you can order it in 32% of the LM line.... and wait.... :D

With the recent double digit jump in the spot price of Aluminum, and oil over $60/brl... even OEM metal will be to high. We already have identified 12-14 mouldings on our wall that are NOT economy mouldings that price nicely LESS than 15-56, and are on par with 11-01&2.
Yep Yep!!


We have it all the time!
Yep OEM's, black, silver, gold, white.
dry mount, reg. glass,--but you can upgrade to cc for just a few dollars more.

We get a lot of business from it. Off the top of my head here...11X14 $24.99 up to 24X36 $64.99.
The advertisment on the front door brings them in, sometimes they don't like the samples and will go for the nicer stuff. Or they have come in to look at ReadyMades and of course their poster dosn't fit so....

Go for it, give it a try, you can always stop if it's not working for you!

Happy Framing!
A special like that HAS to be a particular "set" of options. Then you can buy the materials in bulk.

Inexpensive poster framing is usually something "for the kid's room". This means, looks decent, won't break easily, and doesn't have to last any longer than the child's interest in the poster. Xboard or fomecor, styrene, and really thin acrylic.

It's a way to get people into your shop, and much better than coupons. Sure, you are attracting people who want an inexpensive frame, but they are also people who think that childrens's posters need a frame. Most folks just pin or tape those to the wall. So, you are getting people who appreciate how much better things look framed.

Poster framing deals are a good idea, if you have room to stock bulk molding.
the flat-fee special is a great idea and gives your customers an option for a custom quality frame at a reasonable price. we use oem moulding, drymount, regular glass. keeps them from going elsewhere for the readymade "poster frames" they can buy at the discount home goods type stores. we let the customers upgrade to cc glass if they like, and they have a choice of 6 different colors in oem aluminum metal . saves yuor salespeople time too.