POS Resistance

Doug Gemmell

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2002
Everett, WA
Appreciated Sherry Lee's question about POS factors, also the responses. I've thought about getting one but have concerns:
1) Typos: Can they be a big problem? It seems that it would be easier to make a mistake when entering on a keyboard than writing on an order form. One number off and you get the wrong moulding, mat, etc. Horror stories?
2) How do you handle things that can't be typed such as sketches with instructions on what goes where when you are putting several subjects in a frame?
3) We have an older (read computer phobia) person. She still isn't comfortable with the Wizard after 2 years. Is a POS less intimidating than the Wizard?
Doug, Still In the Dark Ages, Gemmell
I think POS is simpler than Wizard. It gives a lot of confidence to the phobic, because they worry less about doing the math wrong. The only errors we have had has been when two companies have the same number. It took a while for one of the employees to understand that just because two companies had the same number, it didn't necessarily follow that they were the same moulding. If you type in x1256 and two companies have it, you must choose which company has the sample you are showing. And if you don't watch the screen and just keep punching buttons, FullCalc will just pick the first choice on the screen.
Sketches...I draw on the back of the work order or for shadowbox layouts I take a digital photo.

I have entereed an incorrect moulding number...if you don't catch it it costs but Lifesaver gives you a description too so if you are paying attention...
I am still going through all the WONDERFUL responses to my POS question. One thing that I have concern about (& perhaps it was mentioned, but I haven't run across it yet).....

When I enter my framing order on an invoice into QuickBooks, it immediately keeps my P&L and Balance Sheets up to date. It sounds like I'd have to do double entry's with a POS because someone said that QuickBooks still needs to be used as POS doesn't do accounting.

True??? I certainly don't want to make more work for myself!!
We use frameready it allows you to generate sales reports for your accounting software

As to entering the wrong numbers that hasn't happened because everything is coded for the companies that you use. We also use a wireless bar code reader. That could be a problem if you grab the wrong item. However once you get use to it things work smoothly. It also allows you to enter product inventory Customer labels many things. Create purchase orders. The list goes on and on. Ask the companies that you are looking at to send you a demo disk. Try it out and see what you like and don't like.
I'm just now adding QuickBooks. Through searching the archives in the Computer forum, and some specific questions emailed to two VERY generous and helpful Grumblers, I have found out that many people simply add the day's totals into QuickBooks rather than each individual sale.

As for the original question, I find that while some mistakes can get through, using POS also filters many out. I'm glad to have the element of individuals' handwriting out of the mix. "Who wrote this one? The coworker whose loopy 2s look like 6s or the one whose crossed 7s look exactly like her 4s?"

The wrong mldg/mat number? Certainly could happen, but both systems that I've used showed the number and a description. It requires a tiny bit of extra attention, but if you're watching you'll usually know right away that you didn't mean Alphamat Hyacinth.

Also if you enter 30" x 30" opening and a 3" mat margin and a standard mat number you'll get a warning that the board you entered isn't big enough to make the mat.
And what about ordering the inside dimensions of the mat as the frame size instead of the outside dimensions? POS virtually eliminates this problem (although it DID provide me with lots of choices for quick framing other stuff.. hehehe)
Different POS systems handle product IDs differently. Most of the newer ones have a vendor code included. That eliminates the specific problem you mentioned.

I used to do sketches for any multi-opening/multi-object design. Now I have hooked the wizard interface up (my POS comes with the eclipse interface, but since I have a wizard I switched to that) so I just fire up that interface and put the design in. I can either print it and attach it or get the design through the network. Also, there is a "memo" field for the work order that anything "unusual" can be entered into.

The "biggest" (most frequent) mistake I make (and it isn't very often) is measuring wrong. Opps, not a POS problem ... the second most frequent is leaving the wrong mat in the design when we are trying different ones and the customer can't decide. I usuallly catch it on my reveiew pass (this begs a whole discussion on work flow and order processing...)

As for the QB discussion ... as Meghan says, the need for individual invoices in QB is eliminated by a POS, so you can just transfer daily totals (so the books are completely up to date when you back up at the end of the day) or even weekly totals, if you want to "do-your-books" on a given day as one framer I know does.

I can't imagine not operating with a POS!
We do not rely on our framing POS system for accounting data. We use QuickBooks Pro for that.

There are no double entries. The POS keeps pricing, customer, and order data. QBP keeps accounting info segregated for limited access in my business, and I like it that way.
don'tknow the answer to this, so others help, but: do the various providers provide a trial period, 30-6-90 day moneyback or some such? So those with tons of questions could actually try them before making a final decision?

Been years since I bought Lifesaver and forget the answer to this one
Download the trial versions for free and try them for yourself.

Typos on Frameready will tell you a description or if it doesn't exist.

Acounting wise they will tell you how much you are owed, what your costs are and just about every conceivable report you could want. There is a fair amount of report customizing available also.

I had used fulcalc but it was just ok and more expensive than Frameready.

Whichever one you chose I cannot imagine going back to the stone age without my software.

It saves time and money in the long run and gives peace of mind.
Biggest "typo" problem I encounter is that sometimes, if I drag my cursor across a workorder, the workorder shifts to another workorder and I start entering data not realizing that I'm on the wrong order.

I wish FrameReady would put in a function whereby the workorder could be locked and not changeable without unlocking the workorder.

Bert...are you listening??? :(

Dave Makielski
Dave, that used to happen to me in my Frameready too. But, it ended up being a mouse problem. Once I got a new mouse no more of that.

Typos of frame selections and mat selections are not much concern to me. You do have to put in the vendor code so that will eliminate cross numbers.

I went 6 months in my store without POS after using one for 12 years. It was through the holiday season and it was challenging at best. Just the time you save having the POS keep track of what you need for each order and from whom it comes from is worth the price of admission if you ask me.
Thanks for all the great information. I've got Lifesaver coming and I'll give it a try.