POS Hunting


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 21, 2005
Carson City, Nevada
I'm getting a computer for the shop next week or 2, a good one, lots of gigs and bytes. Next step is a POS. I read Mike's POS comparisons and a lot of it doesn't make sense to me yet, as this is new to me. Who uses what and why? I got a postcard recently about free Lifesaver, and I have to admit, "free" is tempting, but the part that asks you to commit to 3 years is scary.
I need to make this decision soon, before the "free" runs out, and you Grumblers have helped me so much with every question I've had so far. This one's a biggy. Thanks everyone.
I have been using FrameReady from SoftTouch Solutions for years now and swear by this program.

Any good programmer that understands the whys and wherefores of custom picture framing can probably write a halfway decent program as long as they have enough input/feedback from people in the trade who actually use the program. That may sound overly simplistic but the important points to a POS program for me are:

1. Ease of operation
2. Customer support, customer support, CUSTOMER SUPPORT
3. Updates on critical information used by the program
4. Availability of custom options and ability to modifiy the program to fit individual needs.
5. Action on feedback from the POS users
6. Flexibility of use
7. Easy adaptability to individual users
8. Debugging and updates on the POS periodically
9. Price although this is more of a logistal restraint than a buying point for me
10. If you don't have good customer support from a team of people who thoroughly understand the functioning of the program, all the bells and whistles are just toys to mess around with. Like all toys, if you don't understand what they are for, they will end up lying in the corner gathering dust.

There are many good POS programs out there and you need to check out each one of them either at a trade show demonstration or by trying out a sample of their program or whatever but some of them do have serious drawbacks for certain types of framing businesses. I doubt that there are any "perfect" POS programs out there so you should ask questions about their update policies and maintainence programs and establish just how often the POS program gets an update/facelift and what has been done to it since its inception.

I had to temporarily leave the internet and close my shop and, in that short period of time, less than a year, Bert deRoo and his small but efficient team of programmers have updated their FrameReady program from 5.0 version 3 to the 5.6 program that is currently available. I have never had a question they couldn't answer nor a problem they couldn't solve for me. And their website has a forum available similar to this forum where a user can ask for help, give others advice, post hints and tips for using the program, and generally keep abreast of what is being done with the program by its users.

I guess "scares" was a poor choice of words. "Concerns me a little" would've been better. It isn't the 3 yrs, but the committment.
Except for the FrameMagic program I used at Michael's for 15 months, I've had no experience with POS. The more I learn, the less "concerned a little" I'll be. You're right, I have to consider anything I invest in just that, an investment, whether it's a capital investment or a time investment. I just signed a lease for the shop property. Never signed a lease before, made me anxious. Grown-up stuff, y'know? Maybe I just need to have more confidence in myself as a businesswoman and framer, and that will take time and experience, and support from my fellow framers, which I'm getting a lot of here.
It was a very good first month, especially for January, and I'm hopeful. But still "concerned a little". What I need to hear is that it's working for you, and if it isn't, why not, so I can benefit from your experience until I have more of my own. Garnetta, how long have you used Lifesaver?
By the way, have I said lately...? I'm Sooooo Happpy!
:D :D
What Framerguy said. I've used FrameReady for two years and like it just fine.
This is one of those Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge deals

The products are pretty good with some failings at all levels. The Big Three all have great staffs and understand how important Customer Service is

We are coming out of a transition to LifeSaver after over 10yrs with anothercompany. I will say that while learning to drive again was difficult, their staff made it as "less painful" as possible

If there was a "tipping point" greater than any other (and we loved the people from FrameReady,too)was the Picture it First option

That just seems to be part of the future
Val, get a free trial demo of the program(s) and try it out and see for yourself. We have just switched from a Specialty Soft Lite version, which after a 1 1/2 doesn't do all we need to Lifesaver full featured version which will allow us to run all kinds of useful reports. We made the switch for the Free Offer because to upgrade our SS Lite would have cost up way more than the additional 2 years of service cost for the Lifesaver, and you have to pay a annual fee on all commercial programs anyhow. Pick one but make sure it does what you need it too!
I can tell you that getting the demo cds from these companies is a must.

They all do basically the same thing, but when we looked at the FrameReady Worksheet page. It looked basically just like the worksheet we had been using for 6 years. It was an EASY adjustment for us going from paper to computer screen worksheet.

I think you are doing the right thing getting a POS system early in the game. I wish wish wish we had it at the beginning. It just saves so much time, money, space, updating, etc.

I'll endorse Tim Hayes' recommendation of Specialty Soft, simply because it 1) Has more reports; 2) Is agressively moving ahead in the business direction; 3) It is a great general POS software program beyond picture framing; and 4) Has great customer support.

But then.....this is just my opinion, and you'll get many other flag wavers on a discussion here, endorsing the brand they use. :D

Your best opportunity would be to play with each first hand and find out what it is you like and don't like - This past week in Las Vegas, at the West Coast Art & Frame Show, all the major POS vendors were there - I hope you were!?

Some points to remember...</font>
  • Specialty Soft is also developing a visualization program, and to Bob's point, linkage to a POS is a wonderful thing, taking the imaging concept to the next level. I would be surprized if all the serious POS programs didn't have visualization in place within the next 5 years.</font>
  • Do the math on the FREE LifeSaver software. The higher annual maintaince fee makes the regular purchase price a wash in 9-10 years. You're ahead the first two years....and pay more from that point forward. LifeSaver is a great POS software, but I would personally opt for the "Independent" version.</font>
  • Remember that each POS software will have things you don't like about it. Deal with that, and move on. Make your decision based on your comfort level, features, support, and gut instinct.....but no matter which brand. Just do it.
Nothing beats running the demos and testing them for 1-2 weeks.

Then you'll be able to see which one is the right one for you.

AND: During those 2 weeks, call their Tech Support and see which ones answer fast, are knowledgeable, patient, friendly, etc.
Yeah, Nothing is "Free" Val. Do the math. I use FrameReady and am perfectly happy with it. Great support team. Their annual fee last I looked was only $175 as opposed to LifeSaver's "free" version where you are paying $400. But, the advantage to the Life Saver offer is you aren't putting out such a big amount in the beginning.

All the programs will be good ones, the important thing is that you get one.

Why don't you download trial versions? I did that with Life Saver, FrameReady and I think Specialty Soft before I made my choice.

Good luck!
POS #1
Year 1 Free
Year 2 $400
Year 4 $1200
Year 6 $1900
Year 8 $2700
Year 10 $3500

POS #2
Year 1 $1200
Year 2 $3175
Year 4 $1725
Year 6 $2075
Year 8 $2425
Year 10 $2775

How long do you plan on being open? These numbers don't get closer the longer you use the software.

I wouldn't form my opinion from the price alone but I think a little intellectual honesty helps.

Imagine how quickly the prices would turn upside down if POS #2 had a show special of say $800? It's worth looking into anyway.

The prices are so close on all of them that I went with the one I liked the most after using the demos.

There has been some great advice in this thread. A lot of folks are offering similar info:

I can tell you that getting the demo cds from these companies is a must.
Val, get a free trial demo of the program(s) and try it out and see for yourself.
Nothing beats running the demos and testing them for 1-2 weeks. Then you'll be able to see which one is the right one for you.
this is just my opinion, and you'll get many other flag wavers on a discussion here, endorsing the brand they use. Your best opportunity would be to play with each first hand and find out what it is you like and don't like
Bingo! I couldn't agree more. It's not what WE use that matters, it's what YOU are comfortable with. After evaluating, asking questions, and consulting your staff - you'll be armed with the tools to make the right decision for your business.

All of the top POS systems have reasonable annual fees for maintenance, toll free support, pricing and program upgrades. Some include it in a grouped fee, while others charge different fees for each component. When comparing, be sure to consider all the components - so you are comparing apples to apples. (for example company 1 might charge $225 for phone and price updates and $299 for optional software updates, company 2 might charge $500 for both combined, etc) Some charge extra yearly fees per workstation, while others for the whole account. Some have different fees each year, depending on the complexity of their upgrades. It can get confusing, and i'm hoping that the neutral list eliminates some of this confusion. If you have any constructive criticism for improvement, please email me.

In other industries we would be paying 15k or more for something similar. They're ALL a bargain. The important thing is to have a product that does what you want it to do, supplies timely price updates for the vendors you carry, and will be there if you need help in the future. It should also be able to grow with your business, should the need for additional workstation/terminals become necessary.

I hate to wave a flag, but I will anyways... Four years ago we chose LifeSaver, and it has been one of the best business decisions to date. The service, improvements, ease of use, and responsiveness have been stellar. The payback in efficiency and saved time was likely less than 6 months, which I suspect you will find with any of the top products.

Please keep us posted on your journey to find the one that works best for your shop.

Best regards
We studied 3 POS systems before and during the WCAF trade show. We quickly narrowed it down to 2 - SpecialtySoft and LifeSaver. As we do with all business decisions, we made a list of pros/cons for each. SpecialtySoft ultimately had more pros and we purchased it.

As others have said, get your trial CD's to study.

We asked many framers at the trade show which POS system they had and what their likes/dislikes were about each company. Overall, SpecialtySoft weighed in with the most favorable reports. Perhaps it just worked out that way, but we did ask a lot of people. We also attended the WCAF classes for the two and preferred the clean, simplified look to the templates and screen fields in SpecialtySoft, among other things.

But, it is absolutely true - the bottom line is they are both good products. A lot has to do with personal preference, I'm sure.
We switched to FrameReady three years ago, after being with our other company for almost ten years. The last six years we knew the system was not working, but the fear of change stopped us from changing. Now the positive message--as others have stated before--FrameReady is written in File Maker Pro, which means you can adjust the program to meet your needs without asking the POS company to do the programing (which they will not do because their program will not allow redesign). If you want help, FrameReady staff will answer all you questions or you can purchase help books on the open market. As for selling point, given by Bob Carter, that he likes LifeSaver because it allows you to use "Piture It First" was very good before FrameReady started interfaing with "Wizard's Intergrated Framer" with the new FrameReady. When you purchase FrameReady--you DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE ANNUAL UPDATES (but I don't know why you would not want product updates and pricing downloads)--but you can enter your own information into the data files from the keyboard.
The only problem with all the POS systems is that the moulding and matboard companies don't send pricing information to the POS vendors. In the last month we had a matboard increase before the information was sent to the POS vendors. We have moulding samples in our showroom -- over three months -- and the moulding vendor has not sent the product information. What I don't understand is why this information is not sent when the product is made or ordered from the vendor's supplier--- "we can not sell the product until its shown to the industry." "All we want to do is sell the product as soon as it's shown."