Well, ... I looked at many of them, narrowed it down and chose based on features.
The vendor I went with has been very helpful and I find it easy to teach and learn.
BUT, ... most of the framers in this area (New England) seem to use a different brand. The [local] vendors are quick and accurate in supplying catalog chages to that (more prevalent) software vendor. They are ALL on the list of the vendor I selected, but TOO OFTEN the "hand-off" between a moulding vendor and the software vendor gets botched. It seems to take weeks to get it straightened out. I believe they are all genuinely trying, but arghhhh!
I don't really blame either of them. They must set priorities based on percentage of usage by their customers. So, I RECOMMEND you
1) Find out what priority the software vendor you are considering has with YOUR moulding vendors. NOT JUST ARE THEY ON THE LIST, but DO they WORRY about them. If the "list manager" at the moulding vendor (there IS ONE! Ask!) says "What was that company again?" RUN!!! And it might be a GREAT software package.
2) Ask what other framers in your area are using mostly. It helps get priority attention from your local suppliers.
The best package in the world is no good if the data you need isn't kept up to date!
[ 05-28-2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Cliff Wilson ]