
CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 15, 1999
Winter Park, Florida
I have recently noticed that I have been betting pop up ads when crusing on the internet. And I have noticed that each time I log onto The Grumble I get a porno pop up ad. Whats the connection???
The grumble has absolutely NO connection with the porno. That's just a coincidence. Bill runs a clean show here.

By any chance, do you have MSN Messenger running in the background? Gator? Weatherbug? (etc) Any type of third party coupon finders or toolbars for your web browser?

The spammers recently figured out how to send popups via MSN Messenger, and this might be why you are getting the popups.
Originally posted by Mike L. @ GTP:
The grumble has absolutely NO connection with the porno.
Not so fast there Mike. Maybe Emibub started that "ALL NUDE ART GALLERY AND FRAMING" and she's responsible for the pop-ups. Then again, there's no way to check as "Moonlighting Madness" was deleted in it's entirety.

Oh sorry, I thought this was warped for a minute there. :D
Don't have any of that running in the background. But like I say everytime I get on The Grumble a Pop Up Ad comes up. What sparks these pop ups??
You know I know this isn't warpedand it is totally inappropriate but since Curly started it and nobody is laughing on warped anyway.........not to mention with all the hair trigger deleters around here here goes. Man that was one looooonng explanation for a really lame response...............

I would think that obviously it might be porno if "pop ups" are involved. (tee hee) Please forward all complaints to Curly.
Actually I thought of a better one here....I would think "Pop Up" and "Porno" would go "hand in hand". Again all complaints to Curly Grumble.....
Pop Ups also can come from your Internet Provider, why it always comes when you are on the Grumble may have to do with your Cookies.

There are some freeware POP UP preventers out there.

AOL now lets you block theirs too.
Opera browser does not give any pop ups and is much, much faster than IE!
Weatherbug generates many, many pop-ups. It comes with an accessory to block them - for $9.95 a month.

But, as Jerry mentioned, there are alot of free blockers out there.
